Day 19
"The Foodee Project"
WOD 0130419
For Time
150 Burpees
**Yeah, I went there. Enjoy**
End of Week Review:
- Safety and Technique. How were this week's exercises at the gym? I tried to introduce you to new movements, so that you can mix it up a little on your own when you're done with this program (or if I post a late blog and I didn't make a WOD yet). It's important to vary up your workouts so that you can always keep your body guessing what's next.
- Paleo. Primal. Possible. The diet is super strict, but I guarantee you, you can benefit from this mentally, physically, and emotionally.
- Clean up. I sound like your mom, don't I? I don't care, this is an important step. See what you can at least tidy up before the end of today and prep yourself for the week end. We are almost at the home stretch!
I realized I haven't been posting too many food posts. I've been to excited to show you new things everyday, whether it would be information, cool quotes, knowledge about CrossFit, and the whole kitchen sink. This blog was to keep you focused on your diet and supplement it with your exercise. For anyone new that's picking up on the blog, I want you to know that even though I want to show you all these things, the three most important things I want you to get from this is diet is 80%, exercise is 20%, and results take 100% effort. These blogs are here to supplement your lifestyle change and to keep you interested on what I'm going to be posting up next. Simply put, I just don't want to be boring, but know what I want you to value!
The following blog is actually run someone locally in Tempe as well! Matthew Lucas runs Free Range CrossFit in Tempe, AZ and is very passionate and active in his CrossFit community. I am very excited to actually feature his blog because his blog is FULL of healthy and delicious Paleo meals you can cook up in a short amount of time. Matthew also has the "Whole30", which is his 30 day program of paleo meals that are no added sugars, legumes, dairy, or grains. It's seriously something amazing. Below is his description on his "About" section. Take a look at his website, give it a peek, and explore all the foods that are ALL paleo but look like something you can order from a restaurant!
Foodee (noun)One that enjoys the simple pleasures
that come with a belly full of healthy fuel…
The Foodee Project brings the best paleo friendly meals and resources to one easy to use location. There are some incredible people spreading the good paleo word and we aim to bring as much attention to what they are doing as possible.

Eat real food – Insist on food that was recently alive and will expire soon.
Stress quality, not quantity – Seek out the finest ingredients. You’re investing in the only body you will have in this lifetime!
Fuel your performance – If you don’t look, perform and feel great, upgrade what you put in the tank!
Excite your palate - Keep your sources varied. Try new foods and cooking techniques. This will keep things fun and interesting.
Socialize – Eating has been a strong social experience in our history; embrace it! Cook for someone. Cook with someone. Take pictures and show the world your creations.
that come with a belly full of healthy fuel…
The Foodee Project brings the best paleo friendly meals and resources to one easy to use location. There are some incredible people spreading the good paleo word and we aim to bring as much attention to what they are doing as possible.
Eat real food – Insist on food that was recently alive and will expire soon.
Stress quality, not quantity – Seek out the finest ingredients. You’re investing in the only body you will have in this lifetime!
Fuel your performance – If you don’t look, perform and feel great, upgrade what you put in the tank!
Excite your palate - Keep your sources varied. Try new foods and cooking techniques. This will keep things fun and interesting.
Socialize – Eating has been a strong social experience in our history; embrace it! Cook for someone. Cook with someone. Take pictures and show the world your creations.
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