Day 26
1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 bucks
WOD 130426
3 Rounds w 30 seconds rest after each round
For Time:
50 Burpees
50 Sit Ups
50 Push Press
200 Single Unders
Run 800m
** The best advice is just pace yourself. The push press weight should be about 20#-30# total for woman, and 35-45# for men. If you do not have a bar with that weight, definitely use the dumbbells and perform the dumbbell push presses from my other videos**
- If you haven't made rotisserie chicken yet, read the article below and bask in the plethora of meals you can attain with one animal.
- Oh yeah... go clean your room.
- ... And tell a friend.
1 Chicken, 17 Healthy Meals, $26 bucks
I wish I found this article earlier because it would've made my Zone diet so much easier. This blog, "Cheap Health Good", was a blessing to find and I hope you take a look at this website in more detail. I was originally trying to look for 4 meals you can make with 1 chicken, since there was 4 days left in the Project SS. I know from personal experience I can make about 4-5 different meals I can count on with just one chicken, but I wanted to see what others have made that were better than mine.
A whole chicken, rotisserie chicken, is like the hidden treasure in the supermarket and is easily ignored by college students and young adults that refuse to cook their meals. Luckily, my ex-girlfriend's mom was an all natural, no fast food, cook every meal kind of mom. I reaped the benefits when I would go over the house and eat something other than Filipino food. I learned about taste, quality, and variety in their house and I'm forever grateful for that. Chicken is cheap, easy to make, and an awesome source of protein.
Truth is, staying healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is expensive. Actually, no. It's an investment. The following article is an amazing, I'll say it again, AMAZING attempt to make the most out of the chicken while still eating healthy. Personally, I would go for the sustainably-raised chicken, hormone and chemical free is ideal when eating that chicken for the next 17 meals. If you feel like eating hormone and chemical injected chicken, which is okay too haha, they can go on sale for about $1.50 (or less) per pound. That's insane. For an investment of about $7-$8, you'll have all the meat you need. That's ONE meal at Chipotle, with NO guacamole. So take time to read this. It is possible for you to make these meals. You've gotten this far. IMpossible to I'Mpossible. Go get that chicken damnit.
Other sites you can check out for 1 chicken meal plans:
Cheap Healthy Good (CHG) 1 Chicken, 17 health Meals, $26 Bucks, No Mayo
Here was the chicken they started out with

Day 1
Marcella Hazan’s Lemon Roasted Chicken with Carrots and Potatoes
2 servings
Chicken consumed: 10 ounces

Afterwards, we stripped the chicken bare. Nude. Butt-naked. There was nothing left on that carcass but skin and gristle. It was a little hyena-like, honestly, but fun nonetheless. In total, our booty came to 2 pounds, 4 ounces of pure, straight-up leftover meat, mostly from the breast. Here’s a shot of the carnage.

To quote the bard, “Duh.”
Day 2
Cooking Light’s Chicken Picadillo with Rice and Black Beans
3 servings
Leftover chicken consumed: 1 pound

Going in, I had mid-level expectations for Chicken Picadillo, and was super-pleasantly surprised by the results. All in all, it’s supremely easy to cook, and a nice change from the average Tex-Mex dish. Ground chicken, salsa, raisins, and almonds make up the main ingredients, but a dash of cinnamon ties it all together, giving everything a warm, lovely flavor. We ate it with plain rice and mashed black beans (to prepare: heat in pot, mash with masher, add salt and pepa), and used the leftovers to create a chicken/lettuce/salsa wrap the next day for lunch. Good times.
Day 3White Chicken Chili
2-3 servings
Leftover chicken consumed: 1-1/2 cups

The key to keeping this dish low-fat is the beans. By lightly mashing them, you create a thicker chili consistency, and don’t have to add as much cheese. FYI: If you like your chilis a little spicier, the heat is eminently adjustable here: just include the jalapeno seeds OR add another pepper altogether.
Day 4
Food Network’s Sesame Noodles with Chicken
5 servings
Chicken consumed: 1 cup

It must be known: I loooooooove noodles. I luff them. I lurve them. I want to kiss them, but they keep falling through my fingers. (Ooo … deep.) Naturally then, this dish from Food Network was my favorite of the experiment. It’s a cross between Ellie Krieger’s Aromatic Noodles and this Noodle Salad from Cooking Light, with just a little more tang. The whole shebang is a tad higher in fat than the experiment’s others (see: butter, peanut), but it’s the healthy, protein-y kind, so I wouldn’t worry too much.
One note: I substituted a pitted, sliced regular cucumber for the Kirby. No harm, no foul, and it worked just fine.
Day 5Cook’s Illustrated’s Chicken Curry in a Hurry
(recipe at bottom of post)
4 servings
Chicken consumed: 2 cups

It’s a good thing, then, we went with Curry in a Hurry. Served with a side of brown rice, it’s a fast, fantastic, Indian-inspired weeknight meal that will absolutely use up the last of any leftover chicken. Plus, it’s a lot of frigging food. CI claims it serves four people, it’s really more like five or six. Maybe eight or nine if you’re elves.
Note: we skipped the peas because they represent the oppression of the worker by the bourgeoisie, and can only be freed through shared profit and community-wide effort. (Oh wait – that’s not right. Actually, I just forgot to buy them. It didn’t make a difference.)
And that, my friends, is it. We're full. The chicken's gone. The experiment worked.
Here’s our grocery list (just like we promised!), plus the curry recipe, should you be into it. Comments and questions are welcome, and I'd love to hear what y'all have done with a whole chicken. Enjoy!
(* means I already had it in my pantry or fridge)
1 7-lb Oven Stuffer Roaster chicken: $6.92
1 lb thick carrots: $0.67
1-1/2 lbs red or Yukon gold potatoes: $1.42
2 lemons: $0.80
*1 or 2 tablespoons salt: $0.04
*3 teaspoons olive oil: $0.11
*2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil: $0.36
*2 tablespoons vegetable oil: $0.18
*2-1/2 medium onions: $0.30
*9 garlic cloves: $0.30
*2-1/2 teaspoons ground cumin: $0.05
*1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon: $0.01
*1/2 teaspoon dried oregano or Italian seasoning: $0.02
*Pinch ground cloves: $0.01
*1 teaspoon crushed red pepper: $0.05
*1/2 to 1 tablespoon curry powder: $0.07
*1 cup bottled salsa: $0.99
*1/3 cup golden raisins: $0.79
*1/4 cup raisins: $0.42
*1/4 cup slivered almonds: $0.73
1/4 cup dry-roasted peanuts: $0.35
1 large bunch fresh cilantro: $0.99
*1 14-oz can black beans: $0.67
1 can large white beans: $1.39
*1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas: $0.67
*1-2/3 cup uncooked brown rice: $0.95
1 seeded jalapeño pepper: $0.25
1 cucumber: $0.80
6 scallions: $0.67
2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger: $0.32
1 can (4-ounce) chopped green chilies: $1.49
*2 cups chicken broth: $0.60
*1 pound spaghetti or Chinese egg noodles: $0.80
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter: $0.21
*1/4 cup soy sauce: $0.38
*2 tablespoons dark brown sugar: $0.06
*1 tablespoon rice vinegar: $0.24
*1/2 cup plain whole-milk yogurt (we used low-fat, and it was okay): $0.28
*1/2 cup grated low-fat Monterey Jack or white cheddar cheese: $0.50
TOTAL: $25.86
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