Friday, May 3, 2013

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen, Not The Gym

"Abs Are Made In The Kitchen, Not The Gym"

3 Rounds For Time
500 meter row
100 single unders

If time is >10mins, 30 burpee penalty

** Make sure you keep a good pace! Set the rower weight to about 4-6 to get an accurate rowing pace. You don't want to be over 10 mins to hit those burpees! Yikes!**


  • From the original Day 1, you should already be looking at things to clean up around your house. Get tidy. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Cluttered house, cluttered mind. All those sayings and beliefs are true and you need to prepare yourself for success.
  • Your last 10 most visited sites should be positive and productive websites. One can be Facebook, but the rest should be websites that you can reference if you need a new recipe to make, new exercise to have explained, or motivational website to get your mind thinking.
  • Tell a friend about your experience with the first 30 days and help them out as well. It's all about love and paying it forward. Let's do this!

Abs Are Made In The Kitchen, Not The Gym

It's funny to me seeing half-fit people spend half their workout crunching and crunching at the gym with weighted sit-ups and ab machines hoping to see the next set of their abs in the mirror. Sometimes I want to talk up to them and tell them, "The sugar in that drink is basically overriding all those crunches" haha. People think the secret to greek god abs is more crunches and more ab sit ups. But the secret that all body builders and real fitness experts will say is, abs are made in the kitchen. There's a reason for the "eat clean" mentality, it is because that shit works! Eating clean and health is not only going ot make you feel good, but also help you break down the fatty shit store in your FUPA (Fat Upper Pussy Area) haha.

Okay, this blog is seriously FULL PROOF on how to get your stomach. I don't know what else to tell you if you can't follow the following rules. If you are looking to flatten our your midsection, here are some MUST DO tips in the kitchen that should be done before anything else... I repeat... BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Good luck people.

  • Commit 100% to clean eating. Cheat meals are okay (if you're not on Paleo), your just have to make sure you count your caloric intake. The way to calculate it is in my previous blogs. Check that out
  • Cut out all processed food. If you didn't make it, don't eat it. If you really have to, take in the minimal amount possible of unnatural ingredients and chemicals.

  • Cut out white flour. White flour is basically made from stripping wheat of everything USEFUL, adding shit, bleaching it, and increasing the amount of gluten the flour can produce. Why even eat it? If you are not on paleo, look for flour that is whole grain flour, sprouted grain flour or gluten-free flour. Your abs will be thanking you.

  • Cut out refined sugar and salt. Uh, obvious. Reined sugar and salt can cause bloating and what woman wants that feeling? Removing them from your fiet will not only help your abs, but help your health. Try to find an alternative like agave nectar, honey or brown rice syrup. For salt, try sea salt.

  • Eat foods with healthy fats. The biggest difference between an avocado and a cookie is the healthy fats in the avocado. Healthy fats are extremely good for you and a must have in your diet. They help increase fat burning abilities in your body and burn the fat faster.

  • Track your calories. Like in my previous blog, eating 500 calories less than your daily recommended intake should get you to losing 1 pound a week without exercise  Weight loss is simple math, eat less than you burn.
  • Add more lean protein. Chicken, fish, greek yogurt, edamame are awesome. Protein builds muscle and it is essential for those sexy abs!

  • WATER. WATER. WATER. water helps out filter toxins, excess water and sodium from your body. It helps regulate hunger and appetite. Keep drinking water, please!


Other websites that offer advice on Abs Being Made In The Kitchen!

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