Who is the UvU Academy?

This blog is dedicated to YOU to help better YOU. Whether it's fitness, diet, fashion, or motivation, the only person stopping you from becoming the best version of 'you' is yourself. Let's get to it!

Project Sexy Summer

A 30-day challenege with 30 blogs for each day geared towards improving health physically and mentally.

Mr. Project Sexy Summer

This blog was dedicated to my brother, who completed the 30-day challenge and reached his target weight and shared it with his closet friends.

CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Most, if not all, workouts posted on this blog are CrossFit related. A proven strength and conditioning program that is inclusive to all fitness done at high intensity and constant variation.

Team Wetness

A company started on crude humor has evolved into a lifestyle of health, fashion, sweat and sexy.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 1: The Setup [Project Sexy Summer - April 1st]

Day 1: April 1st
The setup.

Today is going to be all about setting up for success. It's time for a clean up. Today has nothing to do with diet. Nothing to do with exercise. Today is about building the foundation. Your foundation. I can't stress enough how important it is to change your attitude, mindset, and perception of your own world. It's powerful. It's possible. It's also... cliche. Right? Repetitive shit. You've seen it all before shit. But ask yourself, if it was easy to be at the best possible shape of your life, the happiest you've ever been, closer to your dreams than yesterday... then... wouldn't everyone be fuckin awesome? Time to turn on your beast mode.

You have to separate yourself from everyone else, and when I mean everyone, it's your world around you; your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, etc. You're going to be one set the example, be the topic of conversation, and be someone else's inspiration/motivation. How fuckin amazing does that sound? You have the power to do it and when you do it, you can congratulate yourself and give yourself self all the credit for working hard for yourself.

The Setup: No diet changes today. No WOD (Workout Of the Day). Just do these things today to set you up for tomorrow and the next 4 weeks.

  • Cleanliness is next to Godliness
    • When I went to the Philippines there was a huge sign along to school walls where my mom went to school. I guess this is where I learned this. She used to have my brother and I clean the house every freakin Saturday and even though I hated cleaning when I was a kid, I realized how important it was to have a clean house. Cluttered house, cluttered mind. Clean up your living space. Even if it's one room. Your car. Your room. Bathroom. Clear your spot for a clear mind.
  • Create the best environment
    • If you look at your recently closed tabs on your browser, what would the last websites show? Facebook? Twitter? YouTube's of Justin Timberlake covers (guilty...)? Other than school work websites, if your recently close tabs are 50% social media, your brain is thinking about social media. Although it is healthy to keep tabs on "the world", there 's more out there. Check out your bookmarks, for example, on Google Chrome, you have a bookmark bar, lets fix that. Change your top 10 websites to ones keep you focus on being positive and productive. Surround yourself with things that help you dream, see things beautiful, motivate you, inspire you, and minimize your time at the computer. If you don't know what websites to check out... here are a few to get you started.
    • If you can't get away from social media, at least follow and like more accounts that have to do with self-improvement, productivity, motivation, and tips on how to level up.
  • Set a goal. Make it tangible.
    • Writing down your goals and affirmations is the best way of keeping yourself on track. Even if it's screenshotting a motivational quote on your iPhone lock screen, taping a piece of paper with goals to your bathroom window, taking a picture of yourself for "Day 1" half naked in your room... do whatever it takes. Set a goal. Make it realistic. Make it yours. Put it somewhere you'll see it everyday. When you surpass it, which you will at the end of this, you can scratch it off, erase it, or repost the next goal.
      • I will lose 10lbs this month
      • I'm going to run my first 5k
      • I'm going to start writing up my applications for grad school
      • I will learn 5 ways to cook chicken
      • I will learn my first olympic lift
  • Share the experience
    • I know the next 30 days, I'll have my brother right next to me. Share this 30-day project with a friend or family member, not only to show them your commitment to health and fitness, but to hold you accountable for your goals. Even though you are the one choosing to do this, choosing to wake up every day with an awesome mindset, choosing to get up and go to the gym, choosing to make your own meals, and choosing to look sexy as hell for the summer, it helps to have someone keep you in check. Maybe you might even want to do it with a significant other. See who can get sexier in 30 days haha. If you make this public, or share it with a few people, you don't want to look bad and give up easily, right?! Plus, you never know if someone wants to throw down at this 30 day challenge. Be a catalyst for someone looking for a reason to get up. Tell them this is the start of making IMpossible to I'Mpossible.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Health Through Fitness Fueled By Diet

So I'm on this journey to becoming healthy. I do CrossFit. I eat healthy. I never thought I would be THIS into staying fit and learning to eat this instead of that. It's gone from a hobby to a lifestyle ever since I've felt and seen the results in my body. I've earned every bit of it, and that makes me proud of my accomplishment. My friends who know me, know the kind of person I am. Anything I set my mind to, I stick to it passionately and enthusiastically until I achieve something great out of it. No matter what accomplishment I set my mind to, I always make sure to share the success, count my blessings, and try to inspire those around my circle to do the same. This time it's health. Health through fitness fueled by diet. 

Starting April 1st, and for the next 30 days, I want you to see our experience as we go through a kick start towards health. Health through fitness fueled by diet. I'm going to be posting a WOD (workout of the day) or maybe two, hehe, so you can follow exactly what we do in the exercise side of this journey. There's going to be NO working that no one can't do. Everything we do in CrossFit is scalable and fundamental. Anyone from my mom to Rich Froning can do the same workouts. It's just a matter of how hard will you push yourself to become the best shape you want to be.I'll be posting a diet "guideline" and recipes that can give you a sense of what we're eating and what we're NOT eating. If this is something you want to do, please join in and share your own experience with us. This is a challenge with yourself, and no one else. You won't have anyone to blame. And you have yourself to give thanks to when the results show from working hard.

My mom used to tell me, "You are who your friends are"and she was right. I wanted to surround myself with people that will encourage me, push me, and challenge in positive and productive ways. I have one of the best close friends right now than I've ever had in my life. Not only do we stay productive and positive, but we also like to play just as hard as we work. What is better than looking and feeling good?... is when your friends look and feel good too! Confidence, self-esteem, accomplished, humbled, blessed, satisfied, amazed, and any other words you can feel after knowing you earned what you worked hard for paid off... You can have it... and so can your friends. So, I'm using my friends as the 'test group' to prove to you (and ourselves), that change is possible. Reaching a goal you never thought possible is attainable. The way you see things once a joke, now can become a reality. We're going to turn impossible to I'm-possible.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What Motivates You To Succeed? 2 Things, duh.

An amazing article from, PickTheBrain.com, gives two simple factors that explains what motivates us. The article is by Anvil Merchant, a software engineer at Entfusion. I'm glad I ran into this article. I know these two things motivate me and the guys I workout with... What do you think?


I’m in a crossfit gym, absolutely drenched in sweat and gasping for air, with a trainer breathing down my neck yelling at me to push harder.  Others around me have already given up, with just a few remaining survivors.  At this point, I have two options:

1) I drop what I’m doing and tell the trainer: “The hell with this!  I’m paying you, I’ll go at my own pace!”

2) I suck it up, somehow muster up some more energy, give it all I got and push harder.

I chose option two.

Why did I choose option two?  My body was telling me otherwise.  My mind was telling me otherwise.  All natural reasoning pointed to giving it a rest.  Yet I chose to continue on.  Why?  What is it that motivates people to go above and beyond.  Why is it that, given a group of say 10 people of similar ability, one person will come out on top?  In short, what is it that motivates people to succeed?

I’ve analyzed the above moment over and over again and have extracted two concepts that drive me.  Two concepts that motivate me to succeed in all areas, whether it be physical fitness or my career.  And while I certainly can’t speak for everyone, I’d like to share these two ideas here.  So, without further ado:

1) Competitiveness – the desire to come out on top

In the above example, there were a group of 15 of us in that particular crossfit session.  Although this wasn’t a direct competition, it was clear in each person’s eyes that every man or woman wanted to last longer than the other.  I wanted to win and this desire alone allowed me to mask out all other feelings and continue going.  It is simply the competitive nature of Human Beings.  However, some are more competitive than others and strive harder to prove so.  Larry Ellison, when discussing yacht racing, once said: “I’m addicted to winning. The more you win, the more you want to win.”  And this seems to be a shared testament amongst all those who are most successful at whatever it is they may do.  It is well known that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were incredibly competitive and drove each other to innovate and succeed.  Likewise, several members of the Forbes ‘World’s Billionaires list’ have stated repeatedly that they strongly desire to continue to move up the rankings and will continue to pursue the top spot for as long as they are able.  These people have more money than most people can ever fathom, yet are driven by just the handful of people that are financially ahead of them.  Competition from others is a great force in motivating people to push harder to succeed.

2) Knowing deep down that this is for my own benefit

This one may be a bit more personal.  Let me again reference the above example.  When given the choice whether to stop or continue, I had a split second to make my decision.  I’ve realized that within that short period of time, I reminded myself that I was in fact doing this for my own good.  The harder I train (without pushing myself to injury of course), the more I benefit.  Sure, I had already completed a vigorous workout and could’ve easily stopped at that point, but I had one final push in me and I knew that by choosing to continue, I would reap the benefits.  Constantly reminding myself that the harder I train, the harder I work, and the harder I try will benefit me in the long run, motivates me to keep going until I’m able to attain the level of success I desire.

Motivation, it’s a curious thing.  I don’t necessarily believe that the above two items are universal motivating factors for all people, but I do know that they drive me to reach levels I once deemed impossible and I strongly believe that each and every person has his or her own motivating forces somewhere within themselves.

What motivates you to succeed?

Anil Merchant is a Software Engineer by day and founder at Entfusion by night, where he also maintains a personal blog  Entfusion is a social platform aimed to help connect customers searching for entertainment vendors and vice-versa.  In his spare time, he enjoys staying active through weight-lifting and boxing. Connect with Anil on Twitter!

(source: http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/what-motivates-you-to-succeed-2-significant-factors-for-success/)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

22 Things Happy People Do Differently

You see them everyday. You know one person at work that is always like this. You have that one friend that is always the way they are. R. Kelly even made a song about them, damnit. Happy people. You're either happy, or you're not. What's the secret? How can they be like that? Why are they always so damn happy? How come the richest people can be miserable while people who have nothing are so happy with what little they have?

The secret is in the mind. Happiness cannot obtained by material things like money or other people. The secret is by changing their mindset and living them daily and habitually. Successify.net did an awesome article, as well as many many other great articles that I suggest you check out, that give 22 secrets that happy people do on the daily.


1. Don't Hold Grudges

It's better to forgive and forget. Holding a grudge can chip away at you mentally, emotionally and even physically. If you're crowded by grudes with people, you'll have no clarity in your mind. Why give those people power over you when you can let go and let God.

2. Treat Everyone with Kindness

When you do a selfless act, your brain produces a hormone that eases tension called serotonin. It's proven to make you happier and not only does it help your wellbeing but also the relationships you have with random people, close friends and family, and acquaintances.

3. See problems as challenges

I know this one personally from my mom. The word "problem" is not an option nor should it be anyone's vocabulary. A problem is looked at as a struggle or drawback when a challenge is an opportunity. My mom would always tell me to never give up at a challenge, because the people at the top never saw it as a problem.

4. Express gratitude for what they already have

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have"... Probably one of cliche phrases you've heard in the past, but if you really count your blessings and truly appreciate what you have, you'll always be happy.

5. Dream big

This one hits home for me. "shoot for the stars, at the very least, you'll hit the moon". If you dream big, you'll put your mindset at a higher standard and stay focused. If you're going to dream at all, why not dream big? IF PEOPLE AREN'T LAUGHING AT YOUR DREAMS, YOUR DREAMS AREN'T BIG ENOUGH.

6. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

This was also a book that my mom gave for me to read. I never read it, but I learned the hard way that life's too short to get worked up for nothing. Ask yourself, "Will this problem mattar a year from now?" Let the small things go, it'll definitely lift the weight that's on your shoulders.

7. Speak Well of Others

This can be hard for some people, but there's a word out on the street... Being nice feels better than being mean! Wow! I don't know about you, gossiping leaves me feeling guilty and resentful. I know I find myself slipping sometimes and I do try to fix this habit that I feel is almost genetic since I'm Filipino haha. Saying nice things about other people can change your own mindset into being positive and non-judgmental.

8. Never Make Excuses

This also applies to people trying to be successful in their business and life. Happy people don't make excuses. Period. They don't blame others but instead man up to their mistakes and always find ways to be better for next time or prevent it from happening again.

9. Get Absorbed Into the Present

Dwelling on the past can move you two steps back. Don't worry much about the past OR the future. Enjoy the present and the moments that are happening now. You might miss out of memories you wished you enjoyed.

10. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Morning

My mom would always wake up the same damn time every day, regardless if she had work or vacation. My mother and successful people are early risers and it increases your productivity, stabilizes your circadian rhythm, and puts you in calm, centered state.

11. Avoid Social Comparison

If everyone is special and unique, then why would you spend so much time comparing yourself to other people. Thinking you're better than someone else is an unhealthy mindset of superiority. And vice versa, if you think someone is better than you, you'll feel bad and insecure about yourself. Focusing on your OWN progress and your OWN best puts you at a better place for finding happiness. Don't forget to praise others along the way.

12. Choose Friends Wisely

My mom used to say, "You are who your friends are". Surround yourself with what you want to become, which is hopefully, happy, positive, and productive. Find friends who will encourage you to achieve your goals because more positive energy around your life make you feel better.

13. Never Seek Approval From Others

You have enough time in your hands in your pursuit of happiness, why care what others think of you? Follow your own heart with no regard because you will NEVER please everyone. That doesn't mean don't LISTEN to people, but seeking approval is not important.

14. Take the Time to Listen

Listening is not only good to being a good boyfriend, but it also helps with your happiness. Talk less and listen more. When you're open to other's wisdom and outlooks, you can gain much perspectives and views that you might have not seen before.

15. Nurture Social Relationships

Strong, healthy relationships are important to happy people. It's quality, not quantity. Take the time out to see the people that mean the most to you, and like one of the things stated above, the people that make you a better person.

16. Meditate

Meditating can clear your mind, silence cluttered thoughts, and help you find your inner peace. You don't necessarily have to hum in a temple and shave your head, but finding time in your day to pause, reflect, and heal your mind is one of the secrets of the happy people.

17. Eat Well.

I know when I eat Jack in the Box or Filibertos, I feel like shit. It makes me sluggish, lazy and obviously, fat. Fill your body with the things that make you healthy. Eat the foods that help give your body the chemicals and hormones it needs to work at a high level.  Your diet can dictate your moods, energy, and mental focus. Healthy body, healthy mind, and vice versa.

18. Exercise

You don't need Zoloft to increase your happiness hormones. Putting time at the gym or exercising in general can increase those hormones. Not only will it make you in great shape, it can also boost your self esteem and give you that sense of accomplishment.

19. Live Minimally

Cluttered house, cluttered mind. My mom would always say that when I had too much stuff in my room. And she was right. Having that extra clutter would make me feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Try keeping your house, car, bathroom, or office clean, and you can have a clearer and calmer mind.

20. Tell the Truth

When you lie, you stress out, you lose self-esteem, and you become unlikeable. "The truth will set you free"... it can also improve mental health and builds trust with others.

21. Establish Personal Control

When you feel control of your own life, your own destiny, you are living a life closer to happiness. Letting others tell you how to live is unacceptable. You want that self-worth and that sense of control, which manifests positivity and productivity.

22. Accept What Cannot Be Changed

Life isn't fair. Oh well. Accept it. You'll be more in peace with yourself and your life. Stop obsessing and just focus on what you can control and always change for the better.

(Source: 22 Things Happy People Do Differently)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some Motivation Pictures & Quotes

I don't know how many of these kind of pictures I've seen throughout my life, but I do know that it was at the right moment when I was looking for that "something" to get me moving and working out. HEALTH THROUGH FITNESS is no longer a chore, nor is it an obligation, but a necessity in my life. I don't believe in pills and prescriptions, even though it's ironic I will be going into the medical field as an ER Physician Assistant  so I try to make up for those quick fixes through diet, mental health, and exercise. The fact that you can workout ANYWHERE, I can CrossFit ANYWHERE, gives me no excuse to just do nothing. You can literally go outside and start getting fit by taking the first step, you can look at your living room as your floor mat and start doing push ups, you can look at what you eat and decide for your health that this food isn't good enough... the point is, YOU. CAN. I've made the choice, my brother has made the choice, most of my friends around me have made the choice towards healthy eating and lifestyle.

Here are some pictures that still move me, and some I chose that hopefully move you. If you're reading this because you're bored on Facebook and had nothing to read, I'm glad you're here. If you look at this blog because you follow this blog regularly, share this to someone so that they can hopefully read and say the quotes on the pictures to spark something in their minds. Pay it forward. The no one that was looking for a change never turned down motivation and inspiration. Hope this helps.

had to add this one haha