Monday, March 4, 2013

1st CrossFit Class - WOD 20130304

First of all, I want to thank everyone who came, sweated their ass off, gave it their all, and had a blast. I truly am blessed to have you and to have the opportunity to have show you my love for CrossFit. Tonight was truly a blessing, and I hope you felt some sort of teamwork with the people you went with tonight and hoped to feel that burn, the sweat, and the soreness again with me. We were all cheering, we were all reppin' out the exercises, and most of all, no one shit bagged their efforts. I can't tell you enough how lucky am I to have you. If it were 1 or 100 people that showed up... this meant a lot to me, and I gave you 100% of my passion so that you can feel it too.

Special thanks to George Tracy, the man who gave me the opportunity to give YOU the chance to sweat your ass off. If it wasn't for some small world, Divine fate shit, I wouldn't have met him. He has been so kind to offer his amazing CrossFit gym to me and has opened up his mind to share it with you. Please make sure you thank him for me as well to show him I thank him a million times. We will most definitely have an amazing group of people to workout.

8pm Class WOD 20130304

Part I: 
Warm up:
250m run
dynamic and static stretching

Part II:
Fundamentals of:
Air squat
Overhead Squat (PVC pip/ 15# bar)

Part III:
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds of:
Wall Balls 10#
Sumo deadlift high pull 35# bar
Box jumps 20"
Push presses 35#
Row machine

1 minute at each station
1 minute rest between rounds

Part IV:

- Getting down the fundamentals of the squat really helped with this workout. Everyone got down to the ground with the squat, and kept good form for most of it. The push press was a great way to show them that using their legs for momentum was the best way to get the bar up. Trying to get them to get that last rep in was so fulfilling and motivating. I seriously just loved it. I hope you guys did too. Thank you Eric, Abby, Kara, Nico, Shiloh, Abby, Ashley, Jenny, Rachel, AJ, BBrain, Tedi, Steven, my brother Dek, and the guy who owns the place, George.


9pm Class WOD 20130304

Part I:
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2
I lifted 135/185/225/275/315/335(1)/350(1) (PR)

Part II:
21-15-9 For time
Thrusters 95#
Pull ups
I finished at 7mins 22seconds (PR)

Group 2: CUT OFF VIDEO smh

- These boys are the reason why I PR'd today. This is my fourth workout of the day and I'm glad I still got to perform at a high level with these guys. I was already amp'd from the first class's performance that I wanted to get right into it. The deadlifts were so intense because for the first time my brother and I matched PR's in weight. It was so freakin awesome to see my brother lift that bar up with intensity and great form. Seriously motivating and inspiring. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him. He's going to be an even more elite athlete than me. Tedi also surprised me with his form, weight at the deadlift, and performance at Fran. He was only 2 seconds behind me and for someone that did it for the first time, that is AMAZING. I wouldn't have done a better job without these guys and I know they were all hyped to do CrossFit for the first time together. I love you guys. Thank you.

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