Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WOD (Smolov/MetCon)

WOD 130925

HBBS 7x5 @ 70% 1RM
205# sets 1-6, 225# last set

For Time
20 Push Press 115#
12 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#
20 Push Jerks 115#
9 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#
20 Split jerks115#
6 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#

Score: 28:46 w 8# weighted vest on lifts

**The Smolov squats felt very easy tonight. I've had two days rest off from squats. They were well needed because the last WOD blew out my shoulders, hips, and legs. I did the last set of HBBS at 225#. I could've done all 7 sets at 225# but looking at the MetCon and seeing that it was 60 squats... I thought I might as well save some leg power (if any left). The lifters allowed me to sit back on my squats and not let my knees track over my feet too much. I engaged my hips and squeezed my ass A LOT more than before. This allowed me to get the bounce, save my back, and perform with better form than ever before.

** The MetCon was fucking horrible. This was one of very few WODs I wanted to vomit, quit, and complain. Thank God none of the above happened, but I was gassed. My MUs were surprisingly disgusting and had no form or efficiency whatsoever. I just need practice with them at a gassed level. My MUs look like a fish out of water and after missing one MU in the beginning, I made sure I did one at a time to save energy and not miss another one. The weighted vest was awful when performing them with the lifts. It kept my core burning to the max but gave me extra padding for the front rack when coming down from overhead position. I never broke my sets up and kept a good pace. I wish I could go faster, but I just couldn't. It was that bad. I am still dizzy typing this up. I'm glad I didn't quit. Mental toughness baby. I want it, bad.

Geoff HBBS 135# Warm Up
Geoff HBBS 185# Warm up
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 2
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 3
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 4
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 5
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 6
Geoff HBBS 225# Set 7
MetCon Score 28:46

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