Saturday, September 21, 2013

WOD 200921 (C&J/Holleyman/Cardio)

WOD 130921

15 minutes to establish 1RM Clean and Jerk
EMOM 5 minutes 85% 1RM (of the day)

6 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 75% 1RM
Run 1 Mile
Row 1600m
Run 1 Mile
12 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 50% 1RM (of the day)


30 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Ball 20#
3 Handstand Push Ups
1 Power Clean

185# CnJ
195# CnJ
4x205# CnJ Fail
165# EMOM
75% - 145#
1600 meters

50% - 95#
Time - 31+mins

Clean and Jerk 225# (PR match) and 245# Clean PR
**This was my first time using the OLY shoes and I really felt the lifter plus gave me that extra umph I needed since I was so sore and beat up for the week of WODs. It's worth it though, because I know I can hit these numbers when I'm worn out. Imagine if I was 2 days fresh? Man... I'm just upset that I had sloppy form as the weights got higher. I feel confident doing perfect form up to 195# today and locked in a solid 225# CNJ. I just had to keep going up in cleans, even though I couldnt Jerk the 235#, 245# and 255#. Steven was watching and I wanted to make sure he knew who has the belts in all olympic lifts. You smell me?

Clean & Jerk 45# warm up

Clean & Jerk 135# Warm Up

Clean & Jerk 185# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 195# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 205# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 215# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 225# Attempt 1

Clean & Jerk 225# Attempt 2

Clean & Jerk 235# Attempt

Clean 245# Attempt

Clean 255# Attempt

Time: 39:46
Okay this WOD was fucking horrible. I saw Arvin's stats on the first MetCon and I knew it was tough. George was insistent that I do the Hero WOD because of how beast (or how terrible) it was going to be. I wasn't going to pass up a chance when someone is testing my fitness. So it turned out I finished first even though George tried strict HSPUs for a few rounds. I was 5+ minutes ahead of him. It was my first time cleaning 185# 30 times and I made sure I didn't miss, and I didn't squat clean. What I found very useful was the hook grip. Every time. I tried doing normal grip for one of them and almost failed. I feel like hook grip kept my fists down and my arms locked and the bar easier to pick up. I finally learned to efficiently doing my Wall Balls and my HSPUs went unbroken for all 30 sets.

Holleyman WOD Footage

Holleyman WOD Footage 2

Holleyman WOD Footage 3

Holleyman WOD Footage 4

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