Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget || WOD 130911

I'm not going to say much because of the obvious fact this is a national day of rememberance for the lives we lost on September 11, 2001. I remember I was in between changing classes in high school and my locker mate bursted out in urgency, "a plane just crashed into the Twin Towers". I proceeded to English class where the school stood still as we watched the events go down on CNN. It was a school admin decision to send everyone home to be with their families. When I got home I watched the second plane hit the other tower and I remember, "Fuck, my dad works in NY". Panicking I called his work but it wasn't working, and in my time not everyone had a cellphone. So I had to wait in destress as my dad came home almost at midnight. He said everyone in NYC that commuted had to walk across the bridges back to NJ territoty. Nuts. You'll never forget shit like that... With that reflection off my mind, it's time to do a Hero WOD...

WOD 130911

15 mins to establish 1RM Snatch
then 5 min EMOM 3 Hi Hang Snatch at 60% 1RM Snatch

Hero WOD "Wood"
5 Rounds for Time
Run 400m
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24"
10 SDLHP 95#
10 Thrusters 95#
Rest 1 Minute

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