Who is the UvU Academy?

This blog is dedicated to YOU to help better YOU. Whether it's fitness, diet, fashion, or motivation, the only person stopping you from becoming the best version of 'you' is yourself. Let's get to it!

Project Sexy Summer

A 30-day challenege with 30 blogs for each day geared towards improving health physically and mentally.

Mr. Project Sexy Summer

This blog was dedicated to my brother, who completed the 30-day challenge and reached his target weight and shared it with his closet friends.

CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Most, if not all, workouts posted on this blog are CrossFit related. A proven strength and conditioning program that is inclusive to all fitness done at high intensity and constant variation.

Team Wetness

A company started on crude humor has evolved into a lifestyle of health, fashion, sweat and sexy.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

WOD 20130131

Glad I got off work early so I could get in a 5 part WOD at LA fitness. I went solo tonight but luckily I ran into a fellow CrossFitter at the gym. We exchanged tips (mostly him giving me tips) and I actually am excited to visit his boy's non-official box in Tempe. I got to stretch on rings he brought as he practiced his dips and handstands and just exchanged little challenges after my workout.

WOD 20130130

Part I:
Row 800m
Recovery Pace
20 lunges each leg

Part II:
Shoulder Press then High Pull

Part III:
4 Rounds for times
Run 0.25 miles
8 pull ups
6 push ups
4 burpees
2 toe 2 bar
I finished at 10min 13seconds

Part IV:
DO NOT put the bar down
AMAP Strict Shoulder Press at 65# 21 reps
AMAP Push Press at 65# 6 reps
AMAP Split Jerk at 65# 8 reps
Score is sum of all reps.
35 reps total

Part V:
Rowing machine
As far as you can go in 5mins
1166 meters 

- Part II: I had a little soreness in my mid back from the deadlifts from the WODs earlier in the week. I did my best to keep my core tight but I was too unsteady to touch my PR of 120#. I'll try to hit it next time during a 5/5/3/5/3/1 set!
- Part III: I actually hauled ass on this one. Steven had a time of 10:19 and that was definitely my goal to match his score. Around 8:30 mark, I saw I wasn't going to make it so I pumped the treadmill to 10mph LOL. I think I can get a better time if I had a track. This is definitely something to keep in mind if I have no other place to go!
- Part IV: The shoulder presses absolutely killed me, I'm so stupid to keep going but it was just my grip that let me only do so little push presses and split jerk. I was mad I only could do push press so I tried to make up for the split jerk. I was dying.
- Part V: I WAS DYING. end of story. props to my brother for beating me in the row. he was made to row. I definitely wasnt. Def gotta work on that. Thinking of putting a WOD with handstand push ups and rowing. hmm!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Filthy Fifty WOD 20130128

Got a chance to catch up on all my errands, study a bit on my Chem II class, and get some last minute shopping done before the next three days. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually work and school the whole day and so I tried to let my body rest during the day so I can pull off this ridiculous WOD for tonight. My WOD partner for tonight was Tran the Truth again and we definitely almost vomited after this one.

WOD 20130128

Part I:
Practice single & double unders
on 45 seconds, off 15 seconds for 5 minutes

Part II:
Filthy Fifty - For Time
50 Box jumps 24"
50 Jumping pull ups** (we did kipping pull ups instead)
50 Kettle Bell swings @ 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows (we did Toes 2 bar instead)
50 push press @ 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls at 13.2lbs (there was no 20lbs)
50 burpees
50 double unders

I finished at 31mins 20 seconds

Part III
Bench press 5/5/3/5/3/1+
135/150/185/190 (failed 5th rep)/195/225# (failed) / 205 at 3 reps
** tried 225 on 6th set but failed, did 205 instead**

Incline Dumbbell press

Hang cleans 2-2-2

- Part I: I think my jump rope is a piece of shit, so my double unders were not the business tonight. It's also hindering me from getting the flow of the movement and a faster time for Part II's WOD. ugh.
- Part II: This WOD was absolutely disgusting. I'm sure I would've cut my time by at least 5 minutes if I just did jumping pull ups and knees to elbows instead. But since I'm at the Globo Gym they call LA fitness, there's a bunch of people in the way and I can't keep the stations all to myself. I am proud of my time though and the way I paced myself. The worst exercises were the box jumps, pull ups, and toes 2 bar. hands down.
- Part III: I was surprised I had enough strength in me to keep going and do some weight lifting. I definitely wanted to incorporate this movement in the WOD just because I wanted to see if my body still maintained it's strength. I actually PR'd on my bench AND my incline. I think I got my second wind due to the Muscle Pharm Assault I take.
- Overall, I felt pretty good about the WOD, I need to work on my break taking and I should be able to improve my times a lot more.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

WOD 20130126 1st & 2nd Session

I realized I didn't get to workout Friday since I had all my errands to run, music projects to work on, and find time to get some studying in. I decided to go hard at the gym twice today. The first WOD was at LA Fitness and my buddy, Steven, was able to join in some of the activities.

1st session

Part I:
50 double unders

Part II:
EMOM for 10 minutes
2 Clean & Jerk alternating legs

Part III:
Pyramid 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps
Pull ups
Toe 2 Bar

Part IV:
5-5-5-5-5-5 Front Squat
95#-135#-155#-185#-225#(3 reps only)

- Part II: The EMOM part was for me to get used to clean and jerking at a faster pace. I know it doesn't see like a fast pace, but I'm not used to it, so I wanted to practice keeping myself limited on rest time and just go with it. I was actually sweating during this part the most out of all the exercises. I really focused on keeping the bar path as straight of a line as possible, and feet placement at the jerk.
- Part III: I went unbroken from pull ups to toes 2 bar for the 10th, 9th and 8th set, and I was very proud of that. I used the kipping pull up technique and I felt the flow/groove of the T2B as well. I did sets of 3/4 for the rest of the sets with T2B and kept all pull ups unbroken
- Part IV: Having Steven correct me as I do my front squats also helped me mental take notes. It's so much easier with a partner because you can motivate each other and give each other that mental support when you have someone spotting your from under/behind/over.
- Steven and I also worked on med ball cleans which will help both out cleaning techniques. It was fun and also a good stretch for out hammys and glutes.


2nd session

Part I:
100 double unders

Part II:
4 rounds
5 Deadlifts 135#
250m row, then

4 rounds

5 Deadlifts 175#
250m row, then

4 rounds
5 Deadlifts 225#
250m row, then

4 rounds
3 Deadlifts 265#
250m row, then

4 rounds
1 deadlift 295#
250m row, then

+ 1 deadlift 305# for good luck

Total row: 5000m and 81 reps of deadlift, hitting 90% 1RM weight

Part III:
25 GHD sit-ups unbroken

- Part II: this was actually a great, but terrible, workout. I felt the tightness of my back during the first set of 4 rounds, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish the met-con. I actually was proud of myself that I finished. I originally had it planned in my head for only 75 reps but since the 265# felt relatively easy, I decided to go for another set AND break 300# at least once this WOD. I felt really good keeping lumbar curve stable, core tight, and good form all the up (not all the way down though haha). I was really proud of this WOD because it's also the first time I hit 5000m on a row. This was also the first time I've rep'd anything higher than 225 for more than 3 reps. I defintely want to continue to get to multiple reps at 1.5x my body weight and more so I can hopefully hopefully hopefully work on a 225# clean!

- Part III: this was definitely a good stretch for my core and a nice recovery for my hammys and glutes. still in shock I rowed 5k meters and hit 300# even after 80 reps of deadlifting!

Friday, January 25, 2013

ComiCon 2013!

Thanks to my brother, Dek, we got to go to ComiCon this year in Arizona! We parked across the other side of the Phoenix Convention Center and walked mad far into a mad long line. The wait was like an hour long, but after standing around unfit individuals, we finally got in and WOW! It's such an awesome experience to feel nostalgic and be with the dude that I've grown up with loving all these things!

Marvel. Nintendo. DC. Final Fantasy. Pokemon. Video games. You name it. It was all there! Not bad for an Arizona ComiCon. It was my third, but for my brother, his eyes lit up and was an even littler kid today haha We actually got awesome posters from Terry Henderson, a local artist. We snagged two huge posters, one with all Marvel characters and one with all DC characters. Dek also grabbed three graphic tees that were witty and just plain awesome! I really wish I had all the money in the world to not only buy back my childhood but at the same time support all these people at ComiCon that have dedicated their lives to this, put in the hours of dedication to their hobby and craft, and see everyone feel like it was worth all the work.

Most importantly, I thought it was an awesome brother bonding experience and I would do it all over again... just park a little closer haha thanks Dek got the ticket!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

WOD 20130124

Today was a long day full of school, errands, cooking, and homework. Leaving the gym for the last part of the day is tough cause I want to take a nap so bad haha Luckily, I had a gym partner for this WOD to help push me. I saw my boy, Symon, putting work at the gym. He told me his goals of losing weight and making it a point he goes to the gym even twice a day. Even though he has his haters, his work will show in his body... respect to him running 4 miles again tonight.

WOD 20130124

Part I:
Run 800m

15 sit ups
30 alternating lunges

Part II:
5 rounds of a 3 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
3 hang cleans @ 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats
rest 1 minute between each round

My scores 
Round 1 - 5 rounds + 3 hang cleans
Round 2 - 5 rounds + 1 hang clean
Round 3 - 4 rounds + 3 hang cleans + 7 push ups
Round 4 - 4 rounds + 2 hang cleans
Round 5 - 4 rounds + 3 hang cleans + 2 push ups

Part II(Again):
5 Rounds of a 3 minute AMRAP alternating rounds with partner
3 hang cleans @ 155#
6 push ups
9 ait squats

Me and Steven's Scores (I went first)
Round 1 - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups + 8 squats
Round 2 - 4 rounds + 1 clean
Round 3 - 2 rounds + 1 clean
Round 4 - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups + 3 squats
Round 5** - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups
(Did round 5 myself)

Part III:
30 Toe 2 Bar

- Part I: Steven and I were goofing off and tried to race to the half mile mark and went at 9.5 speed at one point haha should've kept it at a good jogging pace... what were we thinking
- Part II: This workout was the workout that made me sweat THE MOST. It was definitely physically challenging and what made it worse (better, in my opinion) was that we did it AGAIN when my brother came. For our second time around, Steven and I decided to alternate rounds so as soon as he was done with the squats, I went right into the cleans. The more rounds we went, the more i relied on technique so much. I focused on what I remembered from class and the videos. It really saved my back. MAD props to my brother for turning it up for the 5th round and getting AT LEAST 2 rounds as a goal then smashing it and went into his third round with no problem.
- Part III: I originally had an AMAP (As Many As Possible) Toe 2 Bar, but we were so dead. I just did 30, in sets of 10.

WOD 20130123

I was lucky enough to go home early from work and catch a quick workout before my class tomorrow morning. My quads felt so tight the whole day today and I was dreading picking anything up off the ground. I should've used the foam roller more and done more stretching after.

Part I:
Run 800m
Every 200m increase speed (6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5)

Part II:
Triplet Ladder. AMRAP in 7 minutes
Bench @ 155 / Box jump 30" / Kettlebell Swing @ 35#
1 (bench) -3 (box jumps) -5 (KBS)
7** I stopped at rep 2 of the bench press

Part III:
Split Jerk

2-2-2-2-2-2-2 for total load, alternating feet

Part IV:
4 rounds for time
25 GHD sit ups
25 air squats
I finished at 8mins 47 seconds

- Part I: I think I'm going to try to run a 5k straight on a treadmill without stopping with this technique. Other than that, I only ran half a mile to get the legs loose and to help with my stretching
- Part II: I definitely wanted to do a bench press today somehow and this definitely helped press my body weight at a high intensity. I felt the little tweak in my left shoulder (the one that I hurt about 6 months ago) and I was just hoping to God it wasn't going to blow haha there would be no one to spot me. I kept the box jumps and KBS unbroken which was cool. I'm going to do something like this ladder for future reference either for time or AMRAP.
- Part III: I enough the split jerk because it gives me confidence that I can clean and jerk a heavier weight in the future. I hit my 90% 1RM split jerk weight which was what I was aiming for. I think I'll wait for my bumper plates to go any higher in weight. I was pleased with my technique for this part of the WOD.
- Part IV: The GHD got my abs swollen after this WOD. I originally didn't want to time this but I haven't done a WOD with a GHD movement yet so I thought this would be a good start. The squats were a good break from the GHDs but I started feeling a little tweak around my lower back, erector muscles ish, so I'm hoping that's normal when you do fast reps on the machine.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WOD 20130122

I had enough energy to get this WOD in after work. My knees were a little sore coming to the gym since I've been on my feet all day. I had my brother, Dek, and Steven do the WOD at LA fitness earlier and they posted their times. When they told me their scores, it definitely motivated me to go to the gym after work (I was going to bitch out because I was tired from work). I was so proud of my brother so I definitely wanted to make him proud and stick to my word and getting the workout done.

Part I:
4 rounds
250m row
Finished 6mins 13secs

Part II:
Back Squat at challenging weight

Part III:
For Time
25 Toes to Bar
1 Muscle Up
20 T2B
2 Muscle Ups
15 T2B
3 Muscle Ups
10 T2B
4 Muscle Ups
5 T2B
5 Muscle Ups
Finished 10mins 15seconds

Part IV:
3 Rounds AMAP
Back squat at BW 155#
Push ups
10 squats/25 push ups, 10/31, 9/35

Part V:
100 65# thrusters
Finished 11mins 46seconds

- Part I: I know it wasn't for time, and only a warm up, but I wanted to pick up the pace a little bit and get my heart rate going. Having a mirror at the gym also kept me conscious on my form. It was a bit awkward having the cleaning dude vacuum around me during the row and push up haha
- Part II: I didn't think I was going to gas out at that weight so fast. I failed the 5th rep at 235#. I failed at the 5th rep of the 4th set a few days ago on front squat so I hope it's not a mental trend going on haha Also, after reviewing the tape, I didn't go below 90 degrees on my 250# rep so that is a "NO REP".
- Part III: I didn't think my core would feel so SORE. Even after pacing myself (10 T2B each time), I ended up only doing like 2 or 3 at a time for T2B and a single Muscle Up for each rep. My core was definitely engaged and I had a lot of struggling on my MUs. I'm just glad I finished the met-con doing all the movements correctly.
- Part IV: Resting 3 minutes between each set helped my body recover just enough to always come close to matching my AMAP. I figured for the 3rd set was so high on the push ups because I knew I wasn't going to have to do a push up motion after that, so I just went balls to the wall.
- Part V: This was absolutely terrible, and I wish no one this cashout part of the WOD. I started pacing myself with 10 thrusters each, but by rep 50, I ended up doing 5 reps at a time. I tried keeping my rests no longer than 45 seconds which made doing 5 thrusters at a time so terrible. My lower back felt absolutely tight as well. I definitely looked funny walking out the gym. It was even more embarrassing walking down the stairs normal.
- Overall: I thought this was an amazing workout for my core. My legs definitely got its fair share of work, but keeping the core tight and midline stable was definitely the key to surviving and making good time with the WOD.

Back Squat 4th set @ 225#

Back Squat 5th set @ 235#

Back Squat 6th set @ 250#

Monday, January 21, 2013

WOD 20130121

Definitely hungover when I went to the gym. I didn't have enough fluids in my system, but I wanted to get my body going twice today. I was also up early to help my coworker move, so I was already awake.

WOD 20130121

Part I:
100 double unders

Part II:
Fran Ladder. For Time.
3 Thrusters
3 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups
12 Thrusters
12 Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
15 Pull-ups
18 Thrusters
18 Pull-ups
21 Thrusters
21 Pull-ups

I finished at 19mins 47seconds

Part III:
5 Rounds:
10 GHD sit ups
10 Back extension
then, row 1200m

- Part I: I obviously didn't get 100 double unders in a row, it took me about 5 minutes to get to 100. I tried doing 10 singles, then 1 double, then 9 singles, then 1 double, 8 singles, 1 double, etc and tried to get at least 10 doubles in a row.
- Part II: I definitely tried to pace myself after the 9 rep round. For the 12 round I did 3 rounds of 4 reps, for the 15 round I did 3 rounds of 5 reps, for the 8 rounds I did 6 rounds of 3 reps, and 21 rounds I did a mixture of 3/3/3/5/5. I think if I recorded myself the thing I would improve would be my rest times. I tried my best to count my number of breaths and I take about 15-20 breaths before starting the set. I'm hoping to work on my recovery speed and take no more than 10 breaths. I wasn't too happy with my time, but I saw at 7 minutes I was 5 reps of thrusters in. My score would've been 65 points, a little over a third of Dan Bailey's score.
- Part III: I love the GHD machine. By the 3rd or 4th rep of each round of GHD, I could fully hyperextend my hips and torso and get that good stretch on the machine.
- Overall: it was a good quick hour workout. Looking forward to tonight's weightlifting.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

WOD 20130119

Got in my morning working out since I wasn't able to work out yesterday. Since I work in the ER, the flu epidemic has been the worst I've seen since working at the hospital. I've made it a point to wear a mask throughout the whole shift to avoid getting sick again. It's also been the busiest and it wears down on my knees a whole bunch, so I try not to stress them out too much.

Today was surprisingly a terrible workout, in a good way. I had my buddy, Steven Tran "The Truth" come to my Globo Gym aka LA fitness to do CrossFit.com's Wednesday WOD for today.

WOD 20130119

Part I:
For time:
30 Handstand Push ups
40 Pull ups
50 Kettlebell swings @ 55#
60 sit ups
70 burpees

I finished at 18mins 38seconds

Part II:

3000m row at recovery pace
I finished at 16mins 39seconds

- Part I: This shit hurt a lot. My core by the end of the burpees felt so worked and I wanted to vomit. How Neal Maddox did it in under 8 1/2 minutes, makes me realize just how under the curve I am. I need to really get into gear and push myself hard to get better gains faster. I am glad I paced myself in every round. I did 5 sets of 6 for the HSPUs, 4 sets of 10 for the pull ups, 8 sets of 6 plus two more KBS, 15/10/5/5/10/10/5 situps, and 10 sets of 7 burpees. The best thing I kept in mind was limiting my breaths and breaks and just getting right to it. The 1.5pood kettlebell is terrible.
- Part II: I felt my abs so weak at the row, but I practiced keeping my posture on point and doing more of a high pull at the end of the movement. I actually finished when Tran finished and ended up doing 3200m when he finished his 3000m.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

WOD 20130117

I'm trying to follow a workout routine of 3-on 1-off schedule. I'm going to do my best to get 4-5 workouts IN those 3 days if I have enough time. I like having the day off for my body to recover and focus on maybe cooking meals ahead of time for school/work and just letting my body rest from the 2-a-days and high volume training. So far I want to just train my overall CrossFit game. I feel weak in all elements in weightlifting, gymnastics, and mono-structured  so I figure I'm going to try and program at least an aerobic and anaerobic met-con for each modal domain. Today was an awesome session and I feel good coming home from the gym. I can tell sometimes when I've had a good workout is when I finish my Progenex Recovery shake in less than 30 seconds haha

WOD 20130117

Part I:
Front Squat 5/5/3/5/3/1+
**failed 5th rep at 200#. 2 reps at 205#**

Part II:
3 Rounds for Time
10 overhead squat at 80#
10 pull ups
10 hang cleans @ 80#
10 T2B

Finished at 8mins 38seconds**

Part III:
30 Squat Snatches @ 75#
4 Minute Cap

Finished at 2mins 53 seconds

Part IV:
2 rounds
25 GHD situps
10 GHD Back extensions

Part V:
Run a 5k

Finished at 31mins 18 seconds

- Part I: I felt pretty disappointed in my ability to front squat relative heavy loads for small amounts of reps. I couldn't believe I didn't bring up the 5th rep at 200#, so I scaled it down for the 5th set and made sure I did 195# with great technique, then hit it back up for the last set past 200#. I PR'd at 245# in Dec with a belt, but that was after doing 7x1. I want to try and consistently front squat past 65-75% of my 1RM at higher reps so I can get my thrusters at a faster pace.
- Part II: I originally started the first round with 95#, but by the second round technique went out the window. I was also scared to hurt myself since I couldn't just drop the weights (I'm still at Globo gym status) so I scaled it down to 80#. Mentally, I think that help kept my form clean and I was able to get a good challenge from it. The cleans I felt I should've kept at 95# if not up to 105-110# for a better challenge. Looking forward for a lower time sometime next month.
- Part III: The snatches started feeling tough at rep 11. I should've paced myself a little better in order to get a faster time, but I'm pretty happy about completing a modified Isabel. Looking forward to breaking a constant 100+# snatch this year!
- Part IV: The Glut-Hamstring Developer was insane! It was my first time using it, so I didn't know how much to do. I felt only 2 rounds at 25 reps for sit ups and 10 for back extensions were appropriate to start. I feel it all over my abdominals, around my core, and my hammies/glutes. What an awesome machine!
- Part V: I paced myself for the 5k, scaling down to 3.5-3.7 for the first 100m, then up to 7.0 for the rest of the run. Every lap after lap 3, I increased the run by 0.1 to catch up and try to get a sub 30min run, but it was a fail. I wish I started at a higher pace, I knew I could've gotten a faster time. But overall I'm happy that I even completed a 5k without falling off the treadmill lol

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Late Night WOD 20130115

Just got out of work a little early, which gave me some energy left to workout. I had something written out before that was similar to the WOD (Workout of the Day) I programmed for my brother. Since I had some time at work to not think about work, I decided to find some CrossFit apps. I found a nice app called iPR, which logs my 1RM, CrossFit benchmark girl times, and a simple log for any other exercises I decide to add. It was only $0.99 so I decided to make the investment in myself to keep myself in check. I ended up going to the gym around 12:30 am and met up with my brother to work on his deadlift technique and see his 165# 2RM push press! WOW! I can't do that at all so I was so impressed I had to see it for myself. It was definitely the truth, and I was very jealous haha It was tough to try and teach and fix his deadlift in 3 minutes since he had to go and I had to workout... but I know he has it in him to blow past his deadlift PR of 255#. Can't wait to see him skyrocket to 405# EASY!

Late night WOD 20130115

Part I:
Deadlift - 5/5/3/5/3/1+
**had to try 315# again, didn't want to leave without picking up 3 plates at least once**

Part II:
Hero WOD "Bradley"
10 Rounds for Time:
100m run
10 pullups
10 burpees
30 second rest

I finished in 15mins 20seconds

Part III:
Push press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
** you'll see in the video below I actually ended up doing a push jerk for the 175# smh**

Part IV:
3 rounds with 5 minute cap
10 T2B
10 Hand Release Push Up

- Part I: My back was a little sore from yesterday's 2 a day. I felt a little tight from the cleans I did with the muscle up WOD. I felt a lot better with my form ever since the Level One class and I hope to keep great form as I go higher in weight. I plan to break my PR with the best form ever!
- Part II: The hero WOD wasn't too bad since it was mostly gymnastic type moves. I researched the WOD online to link it to my page and realized there was ANOTHER 100 meter run in the WOD smh. Fuck me. I used the iPR app to to searched through WODs I could do today that didn't have weightlifting in it. I saw the scores and I saw that mine was significantly lower than some top performers, but then I realized that it was fucking missing another 100m run. damnit. I will redeem myself and do it again another time.
- Part III: I actually realized I push jerked than kept a straight push press. I guess I was so souped on trying to beat my brother that I didn't care as long as I put up more weight than him. I did, but it definitely wasn't a strict push press. I'll work on that later this week or next week. Good job, Dek, if you ever read this shit (probably not, but I'm still proud of you).
- Part IV: I did this to keep pace with my breathing and recovery. I did the Toe 2 Bars unbroken which I was happy about, and made sure I did it under that 5 minute time limit cap.
- Overall, I feel great, my body is getting tight only because it's so fucking cold in my apartment (it is 55 degrees in my apartment SMFH). I guess we're too lazy to call the heater guy so i'll be paying for this in the morning as my back and legs are crying.


iPR app showing Hero WOD "Bradley" smh

DL 285#

DL 295#

DL 315# Failed Attempt

DL 315#

Push Press/Jerk 165#

Push Jerk 175#

Push Jerk 185# Failed Attempt

Monday, January 14, 2013

WOD 20130114 2nd session

Today's second session (for me) was at LA fitness with my brother, Dek, and my friend, Steven Tran aka Tran The Truth ... here we go...

WOD 201314 Second Session 

Part I:
Warm up
25 Jack Hammers (lower ab exercise)
75 jumping jacks

Part II: Scores written in order for each round as "Geoff / Dek / Steven"
1 min air squats  - 76/50/55
(1 min rest)
1 min burpess - 24/20/26
(1 min rest)
1 min push press #45 - 50/46/48
(1 min rest)
1 min wall ball 14lbs - 37/18/25
(1 min rest)
1 min abmat sit-ups - 33/24/27
(1 min rest)
1 min box jumps 24" 23/15/20
(1 min rest)
1 min pull ups - 31/20(80lbs assisted)/22 
(1 min rest)
1 min tuck jumps - 34/27/28
(1 min rest)
1 min KBS 35# - 24/20/17
(1 min rest)
1 min slamball 14lbs - 37/29/35
(1 min rest)
1 min push ups - 51/21/36
(1 min rest)
1 min mountain climbers - 41/30/28

Score is Total Reps (Cumulative Count)

Part III:
EMOM 3 Bench press 75% of 1RM for 10mins
Geoff/Dek completed bench at 160#

Part IV:
Tabata Treadmill - 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
12% incline, 6 speed
Geoff & Dek completed

- Part I - I honestly shit bagged this part I, because it was supposed to be 3 rounds of that set above, but i was already tired from earlier this morning (should've taken a nap haha)...
- Part II: Honestly, I saw how hard my brother and steven were working at the moves, which gave me motivation to work just as hard and try to set the pace. Damn you steven for beating me at the burpees! We were all dying, and it was a great AMAP (As Many As Possible) workout that was 20+ minutes. I haven't done a workout longer that 15 minutes since my birthday (my birthday WOD created by my cousin was 12 exercise, 5 rounds, 86 total reps each, and I almost vomitted mid way and after)... 
- Part III: I got my second wind mid met-con and my brother and I finished the workout which was awesome.
- Part IV: the tabata felt easier than what we were both used to. I guess since we reached our max heart rate multiple times on the Part II workout, it was easier on our bodies to feel that HR on the treadmill.
- This was such awesome motivation seeing my brother complete the WOD. Not many people can, and I knew if he pushed it, I had to push it too. As I inhale my Progenex, I'm just thinking about how proud I am of Dek, the future CrossFit athlete.

WOD 20130114

WOD 20130114

Felt good coming back to the gym after being out for over a week from the flu. It got so bad that I called out of work last week and I never call out of work. I'm glad I took those days to rest and try not to go out and just focus on getting better. I was still a little sore from the CrossFit Level 1 class over the weekend haha programming my own workouts now will be fun but I'll also try to borrow some WODs from other boxes and the CrossFit.com website.

Part I:
Run 800m
200 single unders

Part II:
5 rounds for time
5 bench press @ BW (body weight) 155#
7 box jumps 30"
9 med ball clean @ 16#

I finished at 8mins 37 seconds

Part III:
Strict shoulder press
5(95#)/5(100#)/3(105#)/5(115#)/3(120#) 1+(125#)
**I ended up push pressing the first 125# rep then doing 1 solid one after

Part IV:
EMON (Every Minute On the Minute) for 10 minutes
3 Power Cleans @ BW (Body weight) 155#
1 Muscle Up

Part V:
Pyramid 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps
T2B (Toe 2 Bar)
Air squats

- Part I: I hate running. I was going to go for a mile but I remembered how much I hated it haha so I just did single unders instead
- Part II: I haven't benched in a bit so this was a little challenging for me, which was great because I hoped to feel like shit after this met-con. Going from box jumps to the med ball clean really hurt my legs haha but I feel like I could shave a couple more seconds and get under 8mins 30seconds if I warmed up a little more. Maybe if i had a spotter I would go to like 165# or even 170#... There are no real med balls at my Globo Gym so I improvised and used the medicine balls they had and made sure I practiced good technique.
- Part III: I know my boy Arvin teased me about not having doing these correctly, so I made sure I yelled out his name after each last rep of the round haha it sounds like a grunt to most people since I just emphasize the "ARRRR" part haha I did go up in weight with that shoulder press so I'm pretty happy about that
- Part IV: This couplet made me feel like shit afterwards. I really tried to focus on keeping good form for this one. I was mainly concerned about my deadlift stance which I kept my feet under my hips... I realized I always kept my knees outside my hips which gave me NO power to bring that weight up before. The 155# felt fairly difficult to pull up, it wouldve been a lot nicer without the muscle ups, but I guess that's why I programmed it haha I felt like I could do 2 muscle ups each round, so I'll keep that in mind.
- Part V: I have no fuckin idea why I did this as my cool down, aka cashout, part of my workout. But I went unbroken until the second 8reps of the pyramid. I broke up the 8-7 reps and went unbroken for the rest of the rounds. Practicing good squat technique was the main goal for this one and finding the groove and swing on my T2B was also a priority.
- I'm feelin good after the workout. Can't wait to workout with my brother and whoever wants to join in the activities tonight haha

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dek's Weekly WODs 20130114 - 20130120

Dek's Weekly WOD


Part I:
Warm up
50 Jack Hammers
50 Single Unders
50 Jack Hammers
100 Single Unders
50 Jack Hammers
150 Single Unders

Part II:
1 min air squats
(1 min rest)
1 min burpess
(1 min rest)
1 min push press #45
(1 min rest)
1 min wall ball (heaviest ball available)
(1 min rest)
1 min abmat sit-ups
(1 min rest)
1 min box jumps 20"
(1 min rest)
1 min pull up (assisted at challenging weight)
(1 min rest)
1 min tuck jumps
(1 min rest)
1 min KBS 35#
(1 min rest)
1 min slamball (heaviest ball available)
(1 min rest)
1 min push ups
(1 min rest)
1 min mountain climbers

Score is Total Reps (Cumulative Count)

Part III:
EMOM 3 Bench press 65% of 1RM for 10mins

Part IV:
Tabata Treadmill - 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
12% incline, 5.5 speed



Part I:
3 minute jumprope
practice *9 single unders, 1 double under**
25 air squats
25 mountain climbers
25 situps
25 burpees

Part II:
Back Squat at challenging weight

Part III:
5 rounds for time
8 Bench press at 70% 1RM
400m treadmill run at 6.0mph

Part IV: 
50 abmat situps



Part I:
Run a 5k at easy pace
5k = 3.1 miles


Part II:
3 rounds for time
10 back squats @ 185#

Part III:
500m row at recovery pace


Thursday (off day, but optional)

Part I:
10 minute cap
30 Power Cleans at 65% 1RM

Part II:
Benchmark Girl WOD "Cindy"
AMRAP in 20 mins
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Part III:
3000m row at recovery pace



Part I:
1 mile run
3 rounds
6 lunges
9 push ups

Part II:
Power Cleans

Part III:
WOD "Chief"
5 rounds of AMRAP for 3 minutes
3 Power Cleans 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats

rest 1 minute after every 3 minute AMRAP

Part IV:
10 abmat situps
10 T2B
AMAP ab mat sit ups



Part I:
4 rounds
30 seconds single unders
30 seconds abmat situps
30 seconds lunges
30 seconds burpees

Part II:
Split Jerk
Find 1RM

Part III:
4 rounds for time
400m run
10 box jumps @ 24"
20 KBS @ 45#

Part IV:
1500m row



Part I:
3 rounds
250m row
5 dive bombers

Part II:
EMOM 2 Clean & Jerk @ 105# for 15 minutes
*warm up with 50 Pass Thrus*

Part III:
5 rounds for time
5 pull ups
7 dive bombers
9 Deadlifts @ 135#

Part IV:
500 single unders
** 9 single unders/1 double under

Nutrition is the foundation of CrossFit

I've been searching around the CrossFit Journal on my spare time in the 'nutrition' category, and would like to share a few links to videos and articles that could help understand their concept of nutrition, diet, and lifestyle. If you're curious, bored, or looking for a new way of eating, you can check these links out. I am just starting on my own, looking at my cabinets, finishing holiday leftovers, and really evaluating the kind of life I want to have now and what kind of health I want to be in the future. Having access to this kind of information that stays away from jargon and big words, and makes it relatable, readable, and doable is the reason why I'm growing to love the CrossFit community.

Here's kind of an intro on CrossFit's view on nutrition


Here is a great article by Jeff Barnett on getting a good start on your new diet plan

Friday, January 11, 2013

Jiro Dreams of Sushi

I watched this documentary that so well directed and put together. The only time I get to watch movies is when I come home from work and I need the TV on to go to sleep. Most of the time, I knock out before the movie finishes and my sleep time turns off all the electronics for me. This particular movie caught my eye because of the big words SUSHI on the title. I've watched a few (okay a lot) episodes of Gordon Ramsey's restaurant reality shows and this came up as one of those "Since you watched...". I decided to watch this documentary, hoping it would put me to sleep within the first 15 minutes, but it ended up catching my eye within 3. I was wide awake after Jiro's short monologue after the opening credits:

"Once you decide on your occupation you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That's the secret to success and is the key to being regarded honorable." - Jiro Ono

This movie was unexpected but absolutely worth the time I stayed awake. I was drawn to Jiro's story line. I could feel his passion thru the movie and I was drawn into the lives of sushi chef masters of Tokyo. Sushi was turned into a work of art by the Director, David Gleb. I loved the way certain screens were shot; the macro shots, the slow motion, the time-lapse photography, the whole nine. Obviously the score of the movie was appealing to me since most of it was classical music. The story line is great, and as a fan of good sushi, Jiro's sushi restaurant is a bucket list hands down. 

The biggest message I got from this documentary was the fact that Jiro was so fortunate to find his passion early on in his life, continued to pursue it throughout the events of his life, and still continues to make a living off it. I always wonder what it's like to give 100% of yourself to something that makes you dream of it, something that occupies your mind 24/7, and something that never gives you a dull moment or bores you. The way I feel about music is the same way Jiro feels about sushi... now to find that drive to make it work wherever I am in my life is the key.

WODs 4 Friends 20130120

Sunday 20130120

Part I:
3 rounds
250m row

Part II:
EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) 2 Clean & Jerk @ 105# for 15 minutes
*warm up with 50 Pass Thrus*

Part III:
5 rounds for time
5 pull ups
7 dive bombers
9 Deadlifts @ 135#

Part IV:
** 9 single unders/1 double under

WODs 4 Friends 20130219

Saturday 20130119

Part I:
4 rounds
30 seconds single unders
30 seconds abmat situps
30 seconds lunges
30 seconds burpees

Part II:
Split Jerk
Find 1RM (1 rep max)

Part III:
4 rounds for time
400m run
10 box jumps @ 24"

Part IV:
1500m row at recovery pace

WODs 4 Friends 20130118

Friday 20130118

Part I:
1 mile run
3 rounds
6 lunges
9 push ups

Part II:

Part III:
WOD "Chief"
5 rounds of AMRAP for 3 minutes
3 Power Cleans 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats

rest 1 minute after every 3 minute AMRAP

Part IV:
10 abmat situps
AMAP ab mat sit ups

WODs 4 Friends 20130117

Thursday 20130117
(off day, but optional)

Part I:
500m row 

Part II:
CrossFit's Modified "Diane"
For Time:
Deadlift (155#/25#) **Use dumbbells, click here**
Handstand Push Ups/ Dumbbell Shoulder press 50#/25#

Part III:
Row 500m at recovery pace

** Take it easy on both rows, make sure you get the full range of motion (Previous post has link to Rowing machine video) and warm your body up.

**If you're not comfortable doing a deadlift with the barbell, the video linked above is a great alternative to get the same effect. The video in the previous post also has great dumbbell shoulder press technique.

WODs 4 Friends 20130116

Wednesday 20130116

Part I:
3 rounds of
AMAP pushups
AMAP pull ups

Part II:
For time
Run 1 mile
Row 2000 meters
Run 1 mile

Part III:
Ab Machine
3 sets of 20 reps at medium challenging weight

**AMAP stands for As Many As Possible. So you're going to give your max effort, your 100% each round on how many push ups (real or modified at the knees) you can do in one sitting. The next is doing pull ups (again, real or modified) as many as you can without letting go of the bar. Your score would look like this:

64/54/49 - Push Ups
25/24/16 - Pull Ups

**Getting a nice pace for the row will help you cool down a bit but make sure you go for time and get the fastest score out of your friends!

**You probably don't feel like doing anything right now but try to make sure you get your ab workout in!

WODs 4 Friends 20130115

WOD Tuesday 20130115

Part I:
3 Rounds of:
12 air squats
6 situps
Rest 1 minute, the start second round

Part II:
Paradiso CrossFit's Dumbbell Complex
5 Rounds for time (60#/15#)
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Push Press
5 Squats
If possible, increase load after each round

Part III: 
50 abmat situps

**The warm up is to basically remind you that you did a Modified Cindy yesterday and your quads should fee some type of way right now haha make sure you stretch again before Part II.

** The video is a great way to show technique and how to do the movements of the workout. This is a TASK priority workout so definitely make sure you give it your all, increase the load, or weight, of the dumbbells if it's not challenging enough. The point is to always get a great workout by getting that "good" hurt.

**Cashout basically means post WOD exercise