Friday, January 4, 2013

WOD 20130104

Today's workout was the first workout of the year I got to workout with my brother, Dek. I think we both have a New Year's resolution of becoming beast in our own way, so it's awesome to workout together to work towards our goals. The gym was extra crowded today, but we managed to keep our exercises organized and out of people's way. I actually don't give a fuck if I'm in someone's way because I'm trying to work my ass off. Anyway, here's the workout.

Part I:
Partner - Warm up

Partner A - runs 400m (0.25 miles) for time
Partner B - AMAP single/double unders

After every 400m switch off til you run 2 miles total

Part II:
EMON (Every Minute On The Minute) 5 Deadlifts every minute for 15 mins
5 mins @ 135#
5 mins @ 155#
5 mins @ 185#
+ 1 more round @ 205#

Part III:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rounds
T2B (Toe 2 Bar)
24" box jumps

Part IV:
Cashout - Partner Race
Crossramp machine
incline 10 | resistance 10
1.00 mile for time

- Part I: I liked this warm up. I think if we did this for 5 miles we would be absolutely gassed. We got a good sweat and it was nice to loosen up my back since it tight from workout at the hospital the past three days. It was cool seeing my brother do double unders because he has swag jump and does a moonwalk when he does the reps haha everyone was watching us, which was cool cause their like... fuck why can't we double under? haha
- Part II: This EMON exercise was to strictly work on form for my brother and work on my coaching skills (I'm taking my CrossFit Level 1 Certification next week so I want to try and apply it hand-on with what I've been reading in the training manual). My goal is to try this sometime next week at 80-85% my 1RM, which would be about 265-280#. Not looking forward to that, but I am lol Steven, you reading this? Get ready!
- Part III: This pyramid workout was to try and get these reps on the T2B and box jumps unbroken. The disadvantage was the way the bar felt at the gym and the stupid ass obstacle that's in the way in the center of the structure. With those obstacles in the way, we did our best to have good form and keep reps, especially T2Bs unbroken. Dek did an awesome job getting the motion of the swing, and for the first time I've seen witnessed his T2B was fluid in the movement. Although toes didn't touch the bar, I saw the momentum and the drive to keep unbroken reps was there. He kept a consistent 5-6 reps unbroken, which is amazing as a start. We'll be working on the form as he gets more flexible and gets the entire T2B motion down. Box jumps were awesome and felt good to me when I did my sets.
- Part IV: This is why it's good to have a workout partner. Especially if it's your brother. The competitive nature is there and the mindset to try and set the bar high had us almost destroying the Crossramp. My brother's sprint at the Crossramp makes the machine sound like a fuckin locomotive train. It shakes and sounds like AutoBots having sex haha Setting a good pace and trying to sprint at different points of the exercise helped sweat my ass off.
- Overall, it was an awesome workout. Thanks to my brother I hope to improve my coaching skills as Dek gets more beast at the lifts. I'm actually afraid because he can actually be a ridiculous CrossFit athlete with his cookie cutter body type. I'm jelly, so I'll just have to work harder.

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