Friday, January 11, 2013

WODs 4 Friends 20130114

Hey to anyone who clicked the link. You're either bored, clicked only because my FB/Twitter status said to click the link, or because you really want to get a new 'routine' from somewhere else. I only say routine is because of what I believe this part of my blog is going to be. "WODs 4 Friends" is something I wanted to create so I can share workouts with you that I'll be doing along side with you or during the same day, based on a CrossFit program. The definition of CrossFit can be defined as "constantly varied functional movement executed at high intensity". I'm currently a CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and all I want to do is share the workouts with you if you are interested. I'll be modifying some movements so that you are able to use the equipment at a regular gym like LA Fitness or Planet Fitness. I want us to ultimately create a small community of fitness/health minded individuals where we can encourage and motivate each other through this part of my blog. If you're reading this, I hope you get started as soon as possible, bring a friend or two to do the workouts with you, and post your results on the comments or wherever! I'll always try and post a YouTube link to show the exercise if anyone is not familiar with the terminology or exercise. 

When I post two numbers follow an exercise, for example

Bench Press 95#/45#

this means the first number is recommended for the males and the second for females. Of course this might vary between gender and body types, but use your own common sense on what you think might be too heavy, but try to challenge yourself!

If there is a number and perenthesis in the number, for example

Bench Press 5(95#/45#)

This basically means 5 reps, or repetitions, at the Rx, or prescribed weight.

Warming up, like stretching, walking on a treadmill for a bit, doing a few reps of the WOD (Workout Of the Day) at low weight to practice, or whatever gets your warmed up a ready will be on you. I'll post some stretches and pre-WOD things once in awhile. Always do your best. It's the struggle that gets you strong/skinny/toned/health/CrossFit'd.

Good luck!


Monday 20130114

Part I:
Dumbbell Squat
5(30#/5#), 5(35#/5#), 3(55#/10#), 5(60#/15#), 3(70#/20#), 1+(75#/25#)
**1+ means aim for one, but go as many as you can**

Rest 5 mins

Part II:
CrossFit workout, Modified "Cindy"
AMRAP in 12 minutes
3 pull ups
6 push ups

Rest 7 minutes ONLY

Part III:
Row machine 500m at a recovery pace


**AMRAP stands for As Many Rounds As Possible. Once you completed the 3 pull ups, 5 push ups, and 10 squats, that is considered ONE round. Your score is the total number of rounds you completed and any additional movements you completed by the 12 minute time limit. An example would look like:

13 rounds + 4 push ups

This means I completed 13 rounds, 3 pull ups and 4 push ups after. Got it? Good!

** You can also modify BOTH the pull up and the push up. The assisted pull up machine is a great way to always get full ROM, range of motion on your pull up. Push ups can be done on the knees if you are not able to do the regular push ups.

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