Monday, January 28, 2013

Filthy Fifty WOD 20130128

Got a chance to catch up on all my errands, study a bit on my Chem II class, and get some last minute shopping done before the next three days. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are usually work and school the whole day and so I tried to let my body rest during the day so I can pull off this ridiculous WOD for tonight. My WOD partner for tonight was Tran the Truth again and we definitely almost vomited after this one.

WOD 20130128

Part I:
Practice single & double unders
on 45 seconds, off 15 seconds for 5 minutes

Part II:
Filthy Fifty - For Time
50 Box jumps 24"
50 Jumping pull ups** (we did kipping pull ups instead)
50 Kettle Bell swings @ 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows (we did Toes 2 bar instead)
50 push press @ 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls at 13.2lbs (there was no 20lbs)
50 burpees
50 double unders

I finished at 31mins 20 seconds

Part III
Bench press 5/5/3/5/3/1+
135/150/185/190 (failed 5th rep)/195/225# (failed) / 205 at 3 reps
** tried 225 on 6th set but failed, did 205 instead**

Incline Dumbbell press

Hang cleans 2-2-2

- Part I: I think my jump rope is a piece of shit, so my double unders were not the business tonight. It's also hindering me from getting the flow of the movement and a faster time for Part II's WOD. ugh.
- Part II: This WOD was absolutely disgusting. I'm sure I would've cut my time by at least 5 minutes if I just did jumping pull ups and knees to elbows instead. But since I'm at the Globo Gym they call LA fitness, there's a bunch of people in the way and I can't keep the stations all to myself. I am proud of my time though and the way I paced myself. The worst exercises were the box jumps, pull ups, and toes 2 bar. hands down.
- Part III: I was surprised I had enough strength in me to keep going and do some weight lifting. I definitely wanted to incorporate this movement in the WOD just because I wanted to see if my body still maintained it's strength. I actually PR'd on my bench AND my incline. I think I got my second wind due to the Muscle Pharm Assault I take.
- Overall, I felt pretty good about the WOD, I need to work on my break taking and I should be able to improve my times a lot more.

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