Friday, January 4, 2013

WOD 20130104 2nd session

Today's workout partner: Steven Tran "The Truth"


As a thanks for him driving me and Alice to Joe's Farm Grill and to get my car at Scion Tempe, we went to the gym for a 2-a-day and workout'd at LA Fitness. I wanted to do another partner WOD (that I made up that makes no sense but oh well).

Part I:
Partner A - Row 250m
Partner B - Double unders every 5 singles
Switch off until 2000m total

Part II:
EMON 2 Power Cleans for 10 minutes, increasing load every minute
135#/140#/145#/150#/155#/165# (steven messed up the weight)/175#/180#/185#/190# (PR)
Partner A - on :00
Partner B - on :30

Part III:
3 sets of muscle ups AMAP
Geoff - 5/9/6
Steven - 8/5/3

Part IV:
10 reps @ 25#
10 reps @ 45#
10 reps @ 70# (I did 8 @ 70#)
10 reps @ 55# (Steven did 5 @ 80#)
Partner B does single unders until Partner A finishes

Part V:
3 sets of Muscle ups AMAP
Geoff - 6/5/5
Steven - 5/3/3

- I already felt like shit from a nap I took before the gym. Funny story, I was downloading Hansel and Gretel, thinking it was Jeremy Renner and that other chick... but when I downloaded it, I realized it was a fucking rip off horror D- rated movie with terrible acting. SMH. That instantly put me to sleep. I woke up to Tran The Truth ringing my doorbell.
- Part I: I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me and Steven, but we caught ourselves in the jump rope a bunch of times. It's always frustrating because my arms look like Amastad after this part. The row felt refreshing and loosened up my back and legs a little.
- Part II: PR at 190# Power Clean. Enough said. Happy with that.
- Part III: I realized I don't let my arms go and keep them bend when I rep the muscle ups. After letting go in the second set, I was able to save some energy and put out more MU, which is why we did a cashout part of MU again.
- Part IV: I was gassed. I need to work on my stamina. I was embarrassed I couldn't keep up with Steven's weight and the reps... so I made sure I did double unders while he was repping the weight.
- Part V: We had an audience which is why we wanted to do muscle ups. I actually did a none kipping muscle up... and in front a bunch of people I felt pretty good about myself. Now I'm determined to do these without kipping and with kipping to find the best and most efficient way to do both of them without wasting energy.
- The best part of working out is drinking my Progenex Recovery shake. Blending with pinapples, OJ, vanilla yogurt and two scoops of Progenex blended is the BUSINESS. Highly recommend it. Until next WOD.

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