Thursday, January 3, 2013

WOD 20130103

So my boy Arvin called me out on not having a proper Overhead Press. He was right. I was doing a push press. The difference between the push press and the overhead press is the strict isolation of just the arms pushing the weight above your head. The push press allows a slight bend of the knees to get under the bar and push the weight up. I dedicated this first session workout to the press and the "Fran" workout movements. Steven Tran helped me with technique and critique.

Warm up:
50 single unders and 20 double unders and used the jump rope to stretch the shoulders.

Part I:
Front Squat
warm up 10 reps at 45#
5 sets of 10 @ 95#
6th set AMAP (I did 18 unbroken)

Part II:
Strict Overhead Press
Warm up 10 reps at 45#
5 sets of 10, 50#, 65#, 75#, 85#, 95#
8 reps at 105#
5 reps at 110#

Part III:
21 thrusters @ 65#
15 thrusters
9 thrusters

- It was a quick session since I woke up late and only had less than an hour to workout. The light weight was to practice my Fran movements just because I felt so gassed the day before from the workout. I wanted to get the movements right before I try it again.
- Part I: This was the first time I actually placed the bar above my collar bone. I felt the "shelf" where the barbell is suppose to be placed. I feel so stupid because I've done much heavier weight with the WRONG placement! I could've injured myself! I'm glad Steven and I practiced at a low weight because we both found flaws in our lifts
- Part II: Arvin was definitely right. When I broke past 100#, the lifts felt so heavy without the "push" part of the press. I did manage to bust out 13 reps above 100#, so according to, my one rep max is 130#! Watch out Arvin! (I'm only talking shit because Arvin is pound-for-pound stronger and faster than me in every lift/exercise. smh)
- Part III: The thrusters was a partner type of exercise where Steven went as soon as I finished my reps until the third set. It was okay... I still think we could've done a 5 rep set thne a 3 rep set.... Maybe next time we should go back up to 21! UNBROKEN! Wooo
- Anyway, I plan to go back to the gym tonight at Lifetime. I just cancelled my LA fitness membership today. I'm ready to go to a gym thats 24/7 and gives out free towels! haha
- Here's a quick screenshot of my strength standards... I'm not advanced in ANY of it. smfh.... I suck.

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