Saturday, January 19, 2013

WOD 20130119

Got in my morning working out since I wasn't able to work out yesterday. Since I work in the ER, the flu epidemic has been the worst I've seen since working at the hospital. I've made it a point to wear a mask throughout the whole shift to avoid getting sick again. It's also been the busiest and it wears down on my knees a whole bunch, so I try not to stress them out too much.

Today was surprisingly a terrible workout, in a good way. I had my buddy, Steven Tran "The Truth" come to my Globo Gym aka LA fitness to do's Wednesday WOD for today.

WOD 20130119

Part I:
For time:
30 Handstand Push ups
40 Pull ups
50 Kettlebell swings @ 55#
60 sit ups
70 burpees

I finished at 18mins 38seconds

Part II:

3000m row at recovery pace
I finished at 16mins 39seconds

- Part I: This shit hurt a lot. My core by the end of the burpees felt so worked and I wanted to vomit. How Neal Maddox did it in under 8 1/2 minutes, makes me realize just how under the curve I am. I need to really get into gear and push myself hard to get better gains faster. I am glad I paced myself in every round. I did 5 sets of 6 for the HSPUs, 4 sets of 10 for the pull ups, 8 sets of 6 plus two more KBS, 15/10/5/5/10/10/5 situps, and 10 sets of 7 burpees. The best thing I kept in mind was limiting my breaths and breaks and just getting right to it. The 1.5pood kettlebell is terrible.
- Part II: I felt my abs so weak at the row, but I practiced keeping my posture on point and doing more of a high pull at the end of the movement. I actually finished when Tran finished and ended up doing 3200m when he finished his 3000m.

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