Wednesday, January 2, 2013

WOD 20130102

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm looking forward to more growth this year. I'm hoping for more wisdom as well as guidance from the people I admire and respect. My goal is to increase my PR in all my lifts as well as surpass my cousin in every aspect except probably running and bench press haha I hope he could possibly be my coach when I man up and decide to train for the CrossFit open this year. I want to get my clean and jerk to at LEAST 225lbs and a snatch of at least 155lbs. It'll be a year of training and focus so I'm looking forward to it!

Today's WOD came from East Valley CrossFit, a CrossFit Affiliate near my house.

Part I:
500 single unders
50 double unders
30 second plank
30 rest
60 second plank
30 rest
90 second plank
30 second rest
120 second plank

Part II:
For total load:
weight Pull-up 2-2-2

rest 2:00

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 7mins
3 Power Cleans @ Bodyweight 150#
3 Muscle Ups

I finished with 6 rounds + 3 power cleans

Part III:
"Fran Ladder"
AMRAP for 7mins
3 Thrusters 95#
3 Pull-ups
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
9 Thrusters
9 Pull-ups

I finished [12 Thrusters/Pull-ups] + 7 Thrusters

Part IV:
2000m row at recovery pace
I finished 10mins 52 secs

- Part I: I think I shouldn't have plank'd that long because I got gassed by the Fran ladder. I did 1 double under every 10 single unders until I got to 500 single unders.
- Part II: I was surprised I could do that much weight during the 2-2-2. But again I should've done less so I could perform better on the next parts smh. The bar at LiftTime Fitness for my muscle ups was so rough I could feel my skin ripping haha There is also a huge obstacle in the way of the bar so I was awkwardly doing the muscle ups in a smaller part of the bar. No excuse, but I feel like I could've done at least another round. I felt it was easier to have my grip closer than what I've done in the past. Luckily, all my muscle ups went unbroken. I definitely have to practice having my cleans unbroken without dropping the weight to reset.
- Part III: I think thrusters are my kryptonite... besides running... and bench haha I only got up to 12 thrusters so I'm thinking in my head, damnit that is only 6 short of the actual Fran workout and I needed at least 45 more seconds to bust out the rest. So I'm pretty disappointed about that part. I also broke my thruster pace. I only did 3-5 reps at a time after the 6 thruster round.I think I should work on more reps at that weight if not more. My front squat part of the thruster actually felt weak so I'm definitely going to figure out how to incorporate that this week.
- No pics of videos this time. Way too many people at the gym. Will try to go again today to work on front squats after work at 130am

“The best index to a person’s character is how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and how he treats people who can’t fight back.”
~Abigail Van Buren

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