Sunday, January 27, 2013

WOD 20130126 1st & 2nd Session

I realized I didn't get to workout Friday since I had all my errands to run, music projects to work on, and find time to get some studying in. I decided to go hard at the gym twice today. The first WOD was at LA Fitness and my buddy, Steven, was able to join in some of the activities.

1st session

Part I:
50 double unders

Part II:
EMOM for 10 minutes
2 Clean & Jerk alternating legs

Part III:
Pyramid 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 reps
Pull ups
Toe 2 Bar

Part IV:
5-5-5-5-5-5 Front Squat
95#-135#-155#-185#-225#(3 reps only)

- Part II: The EMOM part was for me to get used to clean and jerking at a faster pace. I know it doesn't see like a fast pace, but I'm not used to it, so I wanted to practice keeping myself limited on rest time and just go with it. I was actually sweating during this part the most out of all the exercises. I really focused on keeping the bar path as straight of a line as possible, and feet placement at the jerk.
- Part III: I went unbroken from pull ups to toes 2 bar for the 10th, 9th and 8th set, and I was very proud of that. I used the kipping pull up technique and I felt the flow/groove of the T2B as well. I did sets of 3/4 for the rest of the sets with T2B and kept all pull ups unbroken
- Part IV: Having Steven correct me as I do my front squats also helped me mental take notes. It's so much easier with a partner because you can motivate each other and give each other that mental support when you have someone spotting your from under/behind/over.
- Steven and I also worked on med ball cleans which will help both out cleaning techniques. It was fun and also a good stretch for out hammys and glutes.


2nd session

Part I:
100 double unders

Part II:
4 rounds
5 Deadlifts 135#
250m row, then

4 rounds

5 Deadlifts 175#
250m row, then

4 rounds
5 Deadlifts 225#
250m row, then

4 rounds
3 Deadlifts 265#
250m row, then

4 rounds
1 deadlift 295#
250m row, then

+ 1 deadlift 305# for good luck

Total row: 5000m and 81 reps of deadlift, hitting 90% 1RM weight

Part III:
25 GHD sit-ups unbroken

- Part II: this was actually a great, but terrible, workout. I felt the tightness of my back during the first set of 4 rounds, so I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish the met-con. I actually was proud of myself that I finished. I originally had it planned in my head for only 75 reps but since the 265# felt relatively easy, I decided to go for another set AND break 300# at least once this WOD. I felt really good keeping lumbar curve stable, core tight, and good form all the up (not all the way down though haha). I was really proud of this WOD because it's also the first time I hit 5000m on a row. This was also the first time I've rep'd anything higher than 225 for more than 3 reps. I defintely want to continue to get to multiple reps at 1.5x my body weight and more so I can hopefully hopefully hopefully work on a 225# clean!

- Part III: this was definitely a good stretch for my core and a nice recovery for my hammys and glutes. still in shock I rowed 5k meters and hit 300# even after 80 reps of deadlifting!

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