Thursday, January 17, 2013

WOD 20130117

I'm trying to follow a workout routine of 3-on 1-off schedule. I'm going to do my best to get 4-5 workouts IN those 3 days if I have enough time. I like having the day off for my body to recover and focus on maybe cooking meals ahead of time for school/work and just letting my body rest from the 2-a-days and high volume training. So far I want to just train my overall CrossFit game. I feel weak in all elements in weightlifting, gymnastics, and mono-structured  so I figure I'm going to try and program at least an aerobic and anaerobic met-con for each modal domain. Today was an awesome session and I feel good coming home from the gym. I can tell sometimes when I've had a good workout is when I finish my Progenex Recovery shake in less than 30 seconds haha

WOD 20130117

Part I:
Front Squat 5/5/3/5/3/1+
**failed 5th rep at 200#. 2 reps at 205#**

Part II:
3 Rounds for Time
10 overhead squat at 80#
10 pull ups
10 hang cleans @ 80#
10 T2B

Finished at 8mins 38seconds**

Part III:
30 Squat Snatches @ 75#
4 Minute Cap

Finished at 2mins 53 seconds

Part IV:
2 rounds
25 GHD situps
10 GHD Back extensions

Part V:
Run a 5k

Finished at 31mins 18 seconds

- Part I: I felt pretty disappointed in my ability to front squat relative heavy loads for small amounts of reps. I couldn't believe I didn't bring up the 5th rep at 200#, so I scaled it down for the 5th set and made sure I did 195# with great technique, then hit it back up for the last set past 200#. I PR'd at 245# in Dec with a belt, but that was after doing 7x1. I want to try and consistently front squat past 65-75% of my 1RM at higher reps so I can get my thrusters at a faster pace.
- Part II: I originally started the first round with 95#, but by the second round technique went out the window. I was also scared to hurt myself since I couldn't just drop the weights (I'm still at Globo gym status) so I scaled it down to 80#. Mentally, I think that help kept my form clean and I was able to get a good challenge from it. The cleans I felt I should've kept at 95# if not up to 105-110# for a better challenge. Looking forward for a lower time sometime next month.
- Part III: The snatches started feeling tough at rep 11. I should've paced myself a little better in order to get a faster time, but I'm pretty happy about completing a modified Isabel. Looking forward to breaking a constant 100+# snatch this year!
- Part IV: The Glut-Hamstring Developer was insane! It was my first time using it, so I didn't know how much to do. I felt only 2 rounds at 25 reps for sit ups and 10 for back extensions were appropriate to start. I feel it all over my abdominals, around my core, and my hammies/glutes. What an awesome machine!
- Part V: I paced myself for the 5k, scaling down to 3.5-3.7 for the first 100m, then up to 7.0 for the rest of the run. Every lap after lap 3, I increased the run by 0.1 to catch up and try to get a sub 30min run, but it was a fail. I wish I started at a higher pace, I knew I could've gotten a faster time. But overall I'm happy that I even completed a 5k without falling off the treadmill lol

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