Thursday, January 24, 2013

WOD 20130124

Today was a long day full of school, errands, cooking, and homework. Leaving the gym for the last part of the day is tough cause I want to take a nap so bad haha Luckily, I had a gym partner for this WOD to help push me. I saw my boy, Symon, putting work at the gym. He told me his goals of losing weight and making it a point he goes to the gym even twice a day. Even though he has his haters, his work will show in his body... respect to him running 4 miles again tonight.

WOD 20130124

Part I:
Run 800m

15 sit ups
30 alternating lunges

Part II:
5 rounds of a 3 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
3 hang cleans @ 135#
6 push ups
9 air squats
rest 1 minute between each round

My scores 
Round 1 - 5 rounds + 3 hang cleans
Round 2 - 5 rounds + 1 hang clean
Round 3 - 4 rounds + 3 hang cleans + 7 push ups
Round 4 - 4 rounds + 2 hang cleans
Round 5 - 4 rounds + 3 hang cleans + 2 push ups

Part II(Again):
5 Rounds of a 3 minute AMRAP alternating rounds with partner
3 hang cleans @ 155#
6 push ups
9 ait squats

Me and Steven's Scores (I went first)
Round 1 - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups + 8 squats
Round 2 - 4 rounds + 1 clean
Round 3 - 2 rounds + 1 clean
Round 4 - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups + 3 squats
Round 5** - 3 rounds + 3 cleans + 6 push ups
(Did round 5 myself)

Part III:
30 Toe 2 Bar

- Part I: Steven and I were goofing off and tried to race to the half mile mark and went at 9.5 speed at one point haha should've kept it at a good jogging pace... what were we thinking
- Part II: This workout was the workout that made me sweat THE MOST. It was definitely physically challenging and what made it worse (better, in my opinion) was that we did it AGAIN when my brother came. For our second time around, Steven and I decided to alternate rounds so as soon as he was done with the squats, I went right into the cleans. The more rounds we went, the more i relied on technique so much. I focused on what I remembered from class and the videos. It really saved my back. MAD props to my brother for turning it up for the 5th round and getting AT LEAST 2 rounds as a goal then smashing it and went into his third round with no problem.
- Part III: I originally had an AMAP (As Many As Possible) Toe 2 Bar, but we were so dead. I just did 30, in sets of 10.

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