Who is the UvU Academy?

This blog is dedicated to YOU to help better YOU. Whether it's fitness, diet, fashion, or motivation, the only person stopping you from becoming the best version of 'you' is yourself. Let's get to it!

Project Sexy Summer

A 30-day challenege with 30 blogs for each day geared towards improving health physically and mentally.

Mr. Project Sexy Summer

This blog was dedicated to my brother, who completed the 30-day challenge and reached his target weight and shared it with his closet friends.

CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Most, if not all, workouts posted on this blog are CrossFit related. A proven strength and conditioning program that is inclusive to all fitness done at high intensity and constant variation.

Team Wetness

A company started on crude humor has evolved into a lifestyle of health, fashion, sweat and sexy.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hangover WOD 20130223

Had an AWESOME bro night with Steven, Samson, AJ, Mark, and Dek... All you can eat sushi at Mido Sushi, sake bombs, shots, beer, and SCRUB theme night. Who gets a picture with the head sushi chef, PANCHO?! Us, duh.

I was nothing short of WASTED. My brother is the king of making stupid, painful, and useless drinking games, yet... we all play. I don't remember parts of the night but I do remember crashing a PASA party in scrubs, playing a stupid beer-beer-shot flip cup, and vomiting a few times haha Nonetheless, the need to sweat out the vodka and feel normal again came in this short but painful WOD.

WOD 20130223

Part I:
Row for distance in 5 minutes at recovery pace
I clocked in 980 meters

Part II:
Front Squat
5 hand stand push-ups after each set. Total 35 HSPUs.

Part III:
5 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
8 Toes 2 Bar
4 Pistols (One legged Squats)

I finished with 5 rounds +2 Toes 2 Bar

Part IV:
Foam Roll for 15 minutes. Stretch. 

- I can't stress the importance of warming up and stretching beforehand. I learned the hard way with sore hips, limited ROM (range of motion), and muscle tightness. The row at recovery pace helps warm up the body and I spend at least 4-6 minutes stretching out my legs, hips, and glutes. I warm up with the exercise at bar weight a few reps and go to complete ROM, in this case, ass to MF grass!
- Part II: the front squats felt really good. I tried to focus on using my hip drive, and keeping my heels on the ground. It felt good to know I can do at least 5 sets unbroken. sets 6 and 7 I did 5 reps, took two breaths then did another 5. Looking forward to increasing the weight by at least 5 lbs when doing this WOD sometime in the future.
- Part III: I felt the tweak in my pistols, esp in my left knee. I was careful not dropping too fast. The T2B went broken after the 3rd set. I did 3-3-2 as my set, breathing no more than 3 breaths before getting back on the bar. Nonetheless, this was a good WOD to help get rid of the hangover.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Plantar Fasciitis and my morning WOD 20130222

Officially woke up with what I believe is plantar fasciitis. I could barely walk on right foot, taking gambit out was extremely painful so I just wanted to verify the symptoms online and YUP, Dr Google says it's plantar fasciitis. I've felt this before when I did Tough Mudder back in 2011. I definitely tried to avoid some running into the WOD today so I could just stretch out my calves and kinda take it easy on my feet.

Plantar Fasciitis - click there for quick review

WOD 20130222

Part I:
Mobility Training - 15 minutes
Stretch. Foam Roll. Breath.

Part II:
Shoulder Press 5/5/3/5/3/1+
95/105/110/115/120/125(Fail)/120 (2 reps)

Part III:
7 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
5 Push Press @ 95#
7 Pull ups
9 Med ball cleans @ 20#

I finished with 5 rounds +2 push presses

Part IV:
50 GHD situps
**Unable to walk, so just foam rolled rest for another 15 minutes

- My foot really hurt me this morning so I was hoping for some comfort or ease from the pain by noon. Not really. It actually kept my form great for shoulder press cause I didn't move my feet at all. I felt my core  a little shaky by the 115# press which means I'm engaging in my core more! I feel like I can get a higher 1RM on shoulder press in a few weeks!
- Part III- I knew my PF foot acted up again because of the coming down portion of the pull ups. It really started hurting more than this morning so I knew I had to take it easy on that.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

3 Part WOD 20130221

With only a few hours of sleep last night I'm happy I even got thru the workout today. I was lucky enough to go with my brother, Dek, because he stepped his game up today, which made me level up today too! I was originally going to only do two parts for the WOD today but I was definitely pushed to do the WOD he did last night with Steven Tran "The Truth". Let's just say having a partner (that wants to better themselves or compete with you) to workout with is the best way to level up. With that being said...

Part I:
Cycle 5k warm up pace @ 8 resistance
Finished 7mins 31 seconds

Part II:
Overhead Squat 5/5/5/5/5

Part III:
EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute) for 10 minutes
2 Power Cleans @ 140# [Last sent at 165#]
2 Muscle-Ups

Part IV:
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) in 15 minutes
10 Kettle bell swings @ 55#
10 box jumps 24"
10 dips

I completed 8 rounds +10 KBS, +2 box jumps

Part I: I think I finally got the correct height adjustment on the bike. My crotch didn't hurt this time haha my brother is a serious problem with the bike and row machine... I think he did like 8 miles in my 5k haha
Part II: The overhead squat felt real good. I think I could've gotten maybe 150 for 3 reps. It keeps me hopeful because that means my snatch CAN be at least 135 if I practiced enough! Just waiting for the bumper plates.
- My brother was doing 2 UNASSISTED pull ups in between my sets which fuckin awesome cause a month ago he couldn't do 5 pull ups. He can do 20 in 10 minutes now which is unheard of. PROPS.
- Part III: The EMOM was awesome, I made sure that it was a weight both my brother and I could do. Next EMOM I definitely want to at least do body weight and increase every 3 minutes. But the muscle ups definitely shocked my body. I'm glad I still had the movement in me. busted out 20!
- Part IV: I'm still dizzy and nauseated typing this from this met-con. I was so focused during this WOD all I heard were my brother's words and my breath. I don't remember anyone around me and the huge ass blister I got during this WOD. All I knew was that had to beat Steven's score (7 rounds+) and Dek's score (6 rounds+). I was determined... and I got it. WOO. Off to tonight's WOD if anyone's down.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2-a-day "Linda" and "Grace - WOD 20130218

After studying with Tran the Truth, We headed over to the gym with Dek. My challenge was to take on Linda and beat Dek's time, and have Dek beat my Grace time scaled. We also ran into our friends Abby and Kristel and they ended up doing their first WOD together!

WOD 20130218 - 2nd session

Part I:
WOD "Linda" For Time
Bench Press x1 body weight (150#)
Deadlift x1.5 body weight (225#)
Cleans x.75 body weight (115#)

I finished 20mins 18seconds

Part II:
WOD "Grace" For Time
30 Reps Clean & Jerk scaled to 95#

I finished 1 min 48seconds


Then I watched Dek and Steven to what I did this morning

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
Dek - 185/195/205/215/230(fail)/230(fail)
Steven - 185/195/205/225/245

Dek at 95# finished at 3mins 38seconds
Steven at 95# finished at 2mins 20seconds

Then the girls...

Kristel vs Abby
WOD "Cindy"
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 20 minutes
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Kristel - 17 rounds +5 pull ups, +10 push ups, +11 squats
Abby - 17 rounds, +5 pull ups, +10 push ups, +7 squats

- Part I: I'm glad I paced myself this time. for the set of 10 i did 5 and 5, set of 9 i did 3 sets of 3, and so on. I tried to break it up into 2-3 sets. The bench was the one that absolutely killed me. I had nothing left and couldn't do more than 1 rep after the 7th set. I did 1 at a time. It definitely showed me that I need to work on my bench to more than x1 of my body weight. Happy about all the other lifts tho.
- Part II: I wasn't expecting this at ALL. the reason why I had to do Grace again was because my brother, Dek, shattered my Grace time from this morning. Even though it was scaled, i was so proud of him because 30 reps of anything is tough. I had to get big brother on him and do my best to beat it. I went straight to the floor once that was done.
- Kristel/Abby: MAD props to these girls doing the WOD together. Even though they wanted to quit halfway and Kristel's bf, Aaron was tellin her "tara na" (lets go) we had to finish a WOD haha I was seriously so proud of them for doing it, finishing it, and giving 100% effort. They will definitely feel that tomorrow. Hope to get them to the weightlifting domain of CrossFit soon.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Squats w 'Grace' - WOD 20130218

After feeling under the weather (again) this past weekend, I wanted to wake up my legs and get the blood flowing through my body again. I was excited to hear that my brother, Dek, hit up "Linda" again and beasted it in 26 mins! Not Rx'd but still a hell of an effort! Definitely motivated me to get some rest and get better to take on a girl today.

On another note, I got my CrossFit level 1 cert today in the mail!!

WOD 20130218

Part I:
Row for distance in 5 mins
Run total meters rowed

Part II:
Back Squat

Part III:
Girl WOD "Grace"
30 Clean & Jerks at 135# for time

- Part I: I ended up get 960 meters so I ran a little over half a mile on the treadmill. This was a good wake up and heart rate starter for the rest of the WODs.
- Part II: My weights were 185/195/215/225/245(fail)/235. I got 2 reps on the 245# but failed on the third rep. The shame of dropping the weight on the safety is never a good thing but I definitely didn't want to drop down to too much weight so I kept it at 235# which I got 5 great reps on. I was definitely giving it 110% on reps 4 and 5 so I felt I did well on those sets.
- Part III: I finished at 7mins and 31secs. I did great on the first 11 reps, busting out 3-3-3-2. Then I felt myself taking longer breaks. My legs were starting to feel like butter from the squats. I was okay with my time, but I calculated it, and if I did 1 clean and jerk every 10 seconds, I would've gotten 30 reps in 5 minutes HAHA maybe I should try that first. I gassed out way too long and I think I shouldve paced myself better than that.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Active shoulders! - WOD 20130215

Man, was I FEELING it from yesterday's workout. My legs are totally dead and my forearms haven't felt that sore in awhile. That being said I wanted to try and focus on some shoulder focused workouts for my met-con. I wanted to include a power workout of shoulder/push press but my grip was absolutely dead. But here it is:

WOD 20130215

Part I:
Row at recovery pace 5 mins
Finished with 986meters

Part II:
3 rounds for time
Pull up/HSPU (Handstand push up)/Power Clean #115
Rest 2 mins between rounds


Part III:
10 rounds
00:15 handstand position

- Part I: I definitely was feeling the burn in my body during the row. I wanted to keep a good pace, at least over 31 speed (whatever the units for that machine are) and keep good distance.
- Part II: This one was a great way for my to practice my breathing and keep a good pace. I was surprised I did these all under 4:30. I was hoping to break 4 minutes, esp on the last set. I think I was so pissed I was going to go over 4:30 on the second set, I gave it my all for the last set. I was already gassed out, so it was awesome giving that last push for the round.
- Part III: This part actually took the longest. I was trying to hold the bottom position without the wall then go straight into the handstand push up. I watched a video on CrossFit journal to fix my form and improve my technique so I hoping that would help. My shoulders were burning and I tried doing at least 3 HSPU after holding the handstand for 15 seconds. going to go for 20 seconds next week!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day WOD 20130214

Had to get into the gym before my FaceTime date tonight!

WOD 20130214

Part I:
Bike 5k @ 8 resistance

Part II:
Front Squat 5/5/3/5/3/1

Part III:
For Time
5 Front Squats
10 Kettlebell Swing 55#
4 Front Squats
3 Front Squats
2 Front squats
1 Front Squat
**Between each exercise is a 25m farmer's carry of 80# dumbbells

I finished at 9mins 56secs.

Part IV:
Push ups
Air squats

- Part I: The bike position was actually hurting my crotch area haha I felt it messed up even up til part III. I like the workout the bike did because it loosened up my legs and gave me a good heart rate to get into the front squats
- Part II: I felt really good about my technique for my front squats. I felt my shelf feel a lot stronger than it's been in the past and I think the key was keeping my core tight and concentrating on just keeping that bar in its place. I felt I could've given the 235# another rep. I was just scared about the weight I guess. I need this 240 1RM to increase! So I can get better clean reps at higher weight!
- Part III: This workout was TERRIBLE. WOW. I've never felt my grip and forearms give out so much. I felt the weights on the farmers carry slip from my hands even at the 2nd round. The cleans were just as terrible too because my forearms were so done that I was praying my technique would just help me pick that 135# and get into the squat position. It was just about to hit rush hour time and thank goodness we finished just in time. I hate when there are mad people at the gym... and AGAIN i saw a guy doing bicep curls in the squat rack. SMFH
- Part IV: i dont know why we did it... we did it just to lower the heart rate and stretch out our bodies.
- Overall, it felt good coming back after two days of work and school. Lookin forward to going again tonight. I need to beat Tran tonight since he whooped me in this WOD.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WOD 20130211

Yesterday's WOD was mainly to get the joints moving. There wasn't any heavy lifting, but I did want to incorporate every movement. I was lucky enough to go to the gym with my brother, which gave me that extra boost to go to the gym and get back into the groove of things.

WOD 20130211

Part I:
Row for 5 minutes at recovery pace

Part II:
Thrusters 75#
Barbell jump overs
Rest 2 mins, then

Pull ups
Push ups
Rest 2 mins, then

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75#
Toe 2 Bar

Part III:
30 Squats on the Bosu Ball

- Part I: I ended up getting about 980meters at a recovery pace. It's a little disappointing because when I tried to go for distance in 5 minutes I got about 200meters more. I was hoping to get at least 400m more for a high intensity setting. I'll try it out later this week!
- Part II: Pace. Pace. Pace. This whole workout was about keeping good pace and maintaining the best technique and form. I broke everything except the pull ups and push ups down to 3 sets of 7, then 3 sets of 5, then 3 sets of 3. The rest made it tough but awesome to keep everything at a high intensity.
- Part III: I wanted to end with this to wake up my stabilizer muscles again! Awesome workout with my brother, it definitely helped my triage for the basic moves and also gave me motivation to push harder to set the bar high enough where his progress won't scare me just yet haha

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Spartan Sprint 2013 - Arizona

Had an awesome time with my boys, Arvin, BBrain, and Dek, as we did the Spartan Sprint they held in Arizona. It was a 4.7 mile trail/obstacle course that was just freakin terrible! My knees and ankles definitely had a beating and the hot tub was calling our names that night. Some of the  memorable obstacles were the 6 then 7 and 8 foot wall we had to climb over. I was proud of my performance that I only had to do burpees at one station which was the spear throw (not completing a station, burpees are the penalty). The water was actually close to freezing and I felt the calves cramp up around mile 4. It was the first time I've ever felt a cramp on my calves so it was pretty scary. I stretched it out and kept good form so I wouldn't destroy my legs. I finished the last 0.7 miles strong rolling around in the rock filled mud with barbed wire.

Overall, TEAM WETNESS, who consisted of my friends plus three of Arvin's Tucson friends, who are all elite athletes too, finished with an average time of 1:20:00! The average for the entire race was about 1:30:00-2:00:00! Each of us were in the top 1% of our age, gender, and overall. HOW AWESOME! I'm excited to sign up for the Super Spartan which will be about 8-9 miles in Vegas. I'm definitely going to train for this event and incorporate more running in my workouts.