Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hangover WOD 20130223

Had an AWESOME bro night with Steven, Samson, AJ, Mark, and Dek... All you can eat sushi at Mido Sushi, sake bombs, shots, beer, and SCRUB theme night. Who gets a picture with the head sushi chef, PANCHO?! Us, duh.

I was nothing short of WASTED. My brother is the king of making stupid, painful, and useless drinking games, yet... we all play. I don't remember parts of the night but I do remember crashing a PASA party in scrubs, playing a stupid beer-beer-shot flip cup, and vomiting a few times haha Nonetheless, the need to sweat out the vodka and feel normal again came in this short but painful WOD.

WOD 20130223

Part I:
Row for distance in 5 minutes at recovery pace
I clocked in 980 meters

Part II:
Front Squat
5 hand stand push-ups after each set. Total 35 HSPUs.

Part III:
5 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)
8 Toes 2 Bar
4 Pistols (One legged Squats)

I finished with 5 rounds +2 Toes 2 Bar

Part IV:
Foam Roll for 15 minutes. Stretch. 

- I can't stress the importance of warming up and stretching beforehand. I learned the hard way with sore hips, limited ROM (range of motion), and muscle tightness. The row at recovery pace helps warm up the body and I spend at least 4-6 minutes stretching out my legs, hips, and glutes. I warm up with the exercise at bar weight a few reps and go to complete ROM, in this case, ass to MF grass!
- Part II: the front squats felt really good. I tried to focus on using my hip drive, and keeping my heels on the ground. It felt good to know I can do at least 5 sets unbroken. sets 6 and 7 I did 5 reps, took two breaths then did another 5. Looking forward to increasing the weight by at least 5 lbs when doing this WOD sometime in the future.
- Part III: I felt the tweak in my pistols, esp in my left knee. I was careful not dropping too fast. The T2B went broken after the 3rd set. I did 3-3-2 as my set, breathing no more than 3 breaths before getting back on the bar. Nonetheless, this was a good WOD to help get rid of the hangover.

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