Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WOD 20130211

Yesterday's WOD was mainly to get the joints moving. There wasn't any heavy lifting, but I did want to incorporate every movement. I was lucky enough to go to the gym with my brother, which gave me that extra boost to go to the gym and get back into the groove of things.

WOD 20130211

Part I:
Row for 5 minutes at recovery pace

Part II:
Thrusters 75#
Barbell jump overs
Rest 2 mins, then

Pull ups
Push ups
Rest 2 mins, then

Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75#
Toe 2 Bar

Part III:
30 Squats on the Bosu Ball

- Part I: I ended up getting about 980meters at a recovery pace. It's a little disappointing because when I tried to go for distance in 5 minutes I got about 200meters more. I was hoping to get at least 400m more for a high intensity setting. I'll try it out later this week!
- Part II: Pace. Pace. Pace. This whole workout was about keeping good pace and maintaining the best technique and form. I broke everything except the pull ups and push ups down to 3 sets of 7, then 3 sets of 5, then 3 sets of 3. The rest made it tough but awesome to keep everything at a high intensity.
- Part III: I wanted to end with this to wake up my stabilizer muscles again! Awesome workout with my brother, it definitely helped my triage for the basic moves and also gave me motivation to push harder to set the bar high enough where his progress won't scare me just yet haha

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