Monday, March 11, 2013

CrossFit Class 20130311 - Tabata Something Else! | PR's

This was hands down the best CrossFit class, even though it's only the second week of this... TONIGHT WAS BANGIN. 7pm class turned it up! 8pm class pushed their limits! and the boys post WOD was INSANE. I'm proud to see people push themselves to their limits. It's amazing to see that. Whether it's the atmosphere, the friends that go with them, or the teachers, it's an amazing experience.

7pm & 8pm class WOD 20130311

Part I:
400m run | dynamic stretching
:30 plank
:30 rest
:45 plank
:30 rest
1:00 plank

Part II:
"Tabata Something Else"
**tabta is 8 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest**

Tabata ring rows
Tabata sit ups
Tabata push ups
Tabata burpees
Tabata squats

total intervals: 40
total workout time: 20 minutes

Part III:
stretching | gasping for air | 

- the 7pm and 8pm class definitely gave it their all. they are officially initiated into CrossFit after doing those 8 sets os burpees. SO proud of the people that came and put the effort. There are so many times where I see people just sitting around and talking at globo gyms, and i dont find that acceptable at all in CrossFit. If you need headphones to workout for CrossFit, you need to leave. Giving your 110% completely will get you your results. Thank you to everyone reading this blog that came tonight. You fuel my passion, you make my dreams come true, and you will see the results in yourself if you stay around. I promise.

Big Boys Club WOD 20130311

Part I:
Power/Squat Cleans
155/185/205/215/225(1) PR!!!!

Part II:
3 rounds
10 chest to bar pull ups
10 ring dips

3 rounds
5 back squats 185#
10 box jumps 30" 

3 rounds
5 push press 115#
10 thrusters 95#

50 burpees
50 double unders

- hands down the best group of guys I've been around. Working out with them around pushes me to my absolute limit. I just posted a short film of my doing cleans and I failed doing the 205# clean... tonight... 225# squat clean PR. Straight up murdered it. I was so happy I had these guys around. The second part of the WOD was just straight up a vomit WOD. Everyone was pushing each other to the limit and making sure they gave it their all. That's what CrossFit is about. Pushing to the limit, finding the little push inside to get over that limit you once had now SMASHED.

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