Who is the UvU Academy?

This blog is dedicated to YOU to help better YOU. Whether it's fitness, diet, fashion, or motivation, the only person stopping you from becoming the best version of 'you' is yourself. Let's get to it!

Project Sexy Summer

A 30-day challenege with 30 blogs for each day geared towards improving health physically and mentally.

Mr. Project Sexy Summer

This blog was dedicated to my brother, who completed the 30-day challenge and reached his target weight and shared it with his closet friends.

CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness

Most, if not all, workouts posted on this blog are CrossFit related. A proven strength and conditioning program that is inclusive to all fitness done at high intensity and constant variation.

Team Wetness

A company started on crude humor has evolved into a lifestyle of health, fashion, sweat and sexy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

WOD (Smolov/MetCon)

WOD 130925

HBBS 7x5 @ 70% 1RM
205# sets 1-6, 225# last set

For Time
20 Push Press 115#
12 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#
20 Push Jerks 115#
9 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#
20 Split jerks115#
6 MUs
20 Front Squat 115#

Score: 28:46 w 8# weighted vest on lifts

**The Smolov squats felt very easy tonight. I've had two days rest off from squats. They were well needed because the last WOD blew out my shoulders, hips, and legs. I did the last set of HBBS at 225#. I could've done all 7 sets at 225# but looking at the MetCon and seeing that it was 60 squats... I thought I might as well save some leg power (if any left). The lifters allowed me to sit back on my squats and not let my knees track over my feet too much. I engaged my hips and squeezed my ass A LOT more than before. This allowed me to get the bounce, save my back, and perform with better form than ever before.

** The MetCon was fucking horrible. This was one of very few WODs I wanted to vomit, quit, and complain. Thank God none of the above happened, but I was gassed. My MUs were surprisingly disgusting and had no form or efficiency whatsoever. I just need practice with them at a gassed level. My MUs look like a fish out of water and after missing one MU in the beginning, I made sure I did one at a time to save energy and not miss another one. The weighted vest was awful when performing them with the lifts. It kept my core burning to the max but gave me extra padding for the front rack when coming down from overhead position. I never broke my sets up and kept a good pace. I wish I could go faster, but I just couldn't. It was that bad. I am still dizzy typing this up. I'm glad I didn't quit. Mental toughness baby. I want it, bad.

Geoff HBBS 135# Warm Up
Geoff HBBS 185# Warm up
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 2
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 3
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 4
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 5
Geoff HBBS 205# Set 6
Geoff HBBS 225# Set 7
MetCon Score 28:46

WOD 130925 (OHS/Snatch/13.2)

WOD 130925 

OHS 3-3-2-2-1-1-1-1
135#-135#-145#-155#-165#-175#-185# Fail - 185#- 195# PR

15 Mins to establish 1RM Snatch
95# (2) / 115# (2) / 135# / 145# Fail / 145# / 155# Fail (5) / 155# / 165# Fail

CrossFit Open Workout 13.2
10 min AMRAP
5 Push Press 115#
10 Deadlift 115#
15 Box Jumps 24"

Score: 5 Rounds + 5 Push Press + 5 DL

**I really had to get used to my OLY shoes when doing the OHS because I tilted me slightly forward. It actually gave me a better adjustment to sit on the weight well, find my pocket in the squat and really engage the hips and knees without leaning too far forward. 185# the first attempt was weird because I was so unstable at the core. I put the bar down immediately before even attempting the full squat. The second time I kept tight pressure on my core before performing the push jerk and found the squat to be fairly easy. I was happy to have gained a 10# PR in the OHS.

**The snatch was very very awful in the sense that I lost all form. I felt a little rush though because of the people there that wanted to do the MetCon. Although that's no excuse, I continued to try and get a high snatch weight. It was unsuccessful trying to match my PR. I wish I had a side profile of my lifting so that I could see I wasn't pulling the bar straight up, but I was pulling the bar in a curve away from my body due to the hip push. I chose the front view because of convenience of others and at the same time I wanted to see what my form looked like from the front angle. I think it's fucking ugly. I tried to hit 155# so many times, I was gassed to even match my PR.

**The MetCon I actually did better during the Open back in march with a score of 6 Rounds + 3 Push Press. George was actually the same, not hitting his previous score from the Open. We were pretty sore and tired from the WODs days before and sore from today's WOD. I was fairly happy with my performance, I performed all the movements at a controlled pace, and I wasn't gassed at the end like I was back in March. Only thing I wished I did was not stop at the box jumps. I like how I broke up the DL's into sets of 5. I didn't want the risk of tightening up my back like I'm used to.

Geoff OHS 155#
Geoff OHS 165#
Geoff OHS 175#
Geoff OHS 185# Attempt 1
Geoff OHS 185# Attempt 2
Geoff OHS 195# Attempt
Geoff Snatch 95#
Geoff Snatch 95# 2
Geoff Snatch 115#
Geoff Snatch 135#
Geoff Snatch 145# Attempt 1
Geoff Snatch 145# Attempt 2
Geoff Snatch 155# Attempt 1
Geoff Snatch 155# Attempt 2
Geoff Snatch 155# Attempt 3
Geoff Snatch 155# Attempt 4
Geoff Snatch 165# Attempt

Sunday, September 22, 2013

WOD (OLY Elements Training)

Snatch Balance/Split Jerk Balance

Arvin and I have been trying real hard the past few months to get our squat game up. The cleans were also a part of our 'gainz' training. But what we didn't practice enough of to be able to complete the Olympic Lifting and our quest to constantly PR and maintain strength in these lifts were these two movements. I can't say enough how these two movements are essential in linking the clean pull to the squat position and to the top rack position. I want to give this WOD a test and program these elements more in the weekly WODs. This week ends the week of heavy high volume training and this week starts strength and technique WODs. We won't sweat as much and the workload isn't going to be demanding, but the focus on elements of the lifts we are weakest will be targeted in the best way I can make up. Let's get it boys.

WOD 130922

Snatch Grip Push Press 4x3, 3x2, 2x1
Split Jerk 5-5-3-5-3-1

Snatch Balance Bottom 3 sec Hold 3x1 (No need to squat up, you can if you want)

Split Jerk Balance 3 sec Hold 3x1 (No need to complete the stand, you can if you want)

2 Rounds
ME Strict HSPU
T2B x2 of ME Reps of HSPU
2 Rounds
ME Kipping HSPU
KBS x2 of ME Reps of HSPU

Saturday, September 21, 2013

WOD 200921 (C&J/Holleyman/Cardio)

WOD 130921

15 minutes to establish 1RM Clean and Jerk
EMOM 5 minutes 85% 1RM (of the day)

6 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 75% 1RM
Run 1 Mile
Row 1600m
Run 1 Mile
12 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 50% 1RM (of the day)


30 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Ball 20#
3 Handstand Push Ups
1 Power Clean

185# CnJ
195# CnJ
4x205# CnJ Fail
165# EMOM
75% - 145#
1600 meters

50% - 95#
Time - 31+mins

Clean and Jerk 225# (PR match) and 245# Clean PR
**This was my first time using the OLY shoes and I really felt the lifter plus gave me that extra umph I needed since I was so sore and beat up for the week of WODs. It's worth it though, because I know I can hit these numbers when I'm worn out. Imagine if I was 2 days fresh? Man... I'm just upset that I had sloppy form as the weights got higher. I feel confident doing perfect form up to 195# today and locked in a solid 225# CNJ. I just had to keep going up in cleans, even though I couldnt Jerk the 235#, 245# and 255#. Steven was watching and I wanted to make sure he knew who has the belts in all olympic lifts. You smell me?

Clean & Jerk 45# warm up

Clean & Jerk 135# Warm Up

Clean & Jerk 185# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 195# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 205# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 215# Attempt

Clean & Jerk 225# Attempt 1

Clean & Jerk 225# Attempt 2

Clean & Jerk 235# Attempt

Clean 245# Attempt

Clean 255# Attempt

Time: 39:46
Okay this WOD was fucking horrible. I saw Arvin's stats on the first MetCon and I knew it was tough. George was insistent that I do the Hero WOD because of how beast (or how terrible) it was going to be. I wasn't going to pass up a chance when someone is testing my fitness. So it turned out I finished first even though George tried strict HSPUs for a few rounds. I was 5+ minutes ahead of him. It was my first time cleaning 185# 30 times and I made sure I didn't miss, and I didn't squat clean. What I found very useful was the hook grip. Every time. I tried doing normal grip for one of them and almost failed. I feel like hook grip kept my fists down and my arms locked and the bar easier to pick up. I finally learned to efficiently doing my Wall Balls and my HSPUs went unbroken for all 30 sets.

Holleyman WOD Footage

Holleyman WOD Footage 2

Holleyman WOD Footage 3

Holleyman WOD Footage 4

Friday, September 20, 2013

Jason Khalipa | WOD 130920 (Shoulder Activated)

Jason Khalipa 

Height: 5’10″
Weight: 215 lbs.
Age: 24
Started Crossfit: December, 2007
Training Facility: CrossFit Santa Clara
Occupation: Gym Owner
Supplements:  PROGENEX
Jason “My goals are to increase the awareness of CrossFit around the world and to win the 2011 CrossFit Games.”
Jason Khalipa Typical Training Week:
Six days a week. Before a competition, 2 or 3 times a day.
Jason Khalipa Diet-Nutrition:
Mainly primal style food. Before a competition, I will zone my food as well.
Jason Khalipa on Supplements:
With the amount of volume that I train, it is important for me to be able to recover quickly. PROGENEX has allowed me to feel less sore and overall recover quicker.
I take the PROGENEX Recovery product daily after each training session. I like the chocolate flavor the best.
Jason Khalipa CrossFit Stats:
Fran: 2:23
Cindy: 28
Helen: 7:17
Grace: 1:35
Filthy Fifty: 17:30
More Jason Khalipa CrossFit stats
Max Pull-ups (Butterfly): 40
Deadlift: 535
Bench: 380
Squat: 430
Snatch: 225
Squat Clean: 315
Power Clean: 302
Clean & Jerk: 315
Fran: 2:23
Cindy: 26 rounds
Linda: 22:30
Helen: 7:36
Diane: 3:59
Grace: 1:43
Fight Gone Bad: 417
Filthy Fifty: 20:21
Max Pull-ups: 35
Favorite WOD: Pretty much any girl WOD.
Favorite Lift: Clean
Least Favorite WOD: Eva
Least Favorite Lift: Snatch
Jason Khalipa Competitions/Titles:2011
2010 CrossFit Games Top 16 Finisher
2009 CrossFit Games/Spirit of the Games 5th Place
2008 CrossFit Games Champion

WOD 130920

Buy In
Row 2000m

15 mins to establish 1RM Snatch
EMOM 5 minutes 1 Snatch 85% 1RM

For Time
25 Man Makers (You pick the weight)
10 Min AMRAP
10 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups
20 DUs
25 Man Makers

Snatch 135#/135#/135#/140#/145# Fail/155# Fail

135# Snatch Attempt
Tedi 140# Snatch
Tedi 155# Attempt

about 21 Minutes
AMRAP 4 Rounds - went over 10 minute mark to complete 4th round

Buy In - 2000 Meters

155# Snatch (matched my PR)

25# Man Makers, I was really slow on this WOD, did three rounds because I finally figured out how to pike my DUs!!! Yes!!!

29+ minutes

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lu Xiaojun | WOD 130919 (Thrusters/Squats/Cardio)

Lu Xiaojun - A Beautiful Clean & Jerk

Lu Xiaojun
He is the current world record holder for both the snatch and the total in the 77 kg category, with 175 kg (390 lb) and 379 kg (840 lb) respectively. He utilizes the squat jerk technique instead of the typical split jerk. He won the gold medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the men's 77 kg category with a total of 379 kg. This guy is the closest idol to my weight class of about 70kg. I really hope to come at least >50% of all his lifts. This guy is an absolute beast.


Thrusters 5-3-3-2-2-1-1 for load

For Time
60 GHD Sit Ups
80 Back Squat 135# (or <60% 1RM)
100 Burpees

2 Rounds
AMRAP Thrusters 65#
** Rest as much time between rounds **

Thrusters 95#/135#/145#/155#/165#/175#/185#/195# (PR)/205# Fail
** I really almost took myself out in my 205# attempt. I really try to get to the final position which is where the head pokes out and arms are extended and locked out. I poked my head first and hoped to God my arms would push the weight up from the huge thruster. I barely made it out the way of the bar. 185# felt easy and 195# was almost  thurster jerk, so I will safe with 100% confidence my thruster max is only 185# and 195# was with a little leeway on the legs.
Thrusters 95# x5
Thrusters 135# x3
Thrusters 145# x3
Thrusters 155# x2
Thrusters 165# x2
Thrusters 175# x1
Thrusters 185# x1
Thruster 195# x1 Attempt
Thruster 205# Attempt aka Final Destination

Back Squat 155#
Time: 26:31
I did 20 on the first two sets of GHDs then 2 sets of 10. The back squats 7 sets of 10, then a final set of 10. I really tried to make sure I was not gassed, and kept the reps as clean and beautiful as possible. I had my knees sleeves and weightlifting leather belt to keep me in good form. I finished the back squats around 16:30-17:00 minutes. The burpees I just did 10 burpees a minute. EMOM to be exact, and let myself rest til the next minute. I didn't know what 100 burpees would feel like after core and leg destruction... but now I know. If I went any faster I would've vomited and be blasted AF at the end.

65# 20 Reps / 75# 20 Reps
The only thing in my head was that Arvin did 14 so I had to do at least 15 reps. The only thing that worked were my shoulders and my legs were just... not present in the 2 rounds. and I did 75# just so arvin could see that you just have to push... its all mental and that these WODs are only meant for those who want something. If it's "it" then that "it" will make you go beyond what normal ppl will look at as crazy. Don't worry, deload week is coming. Just hold on boys.

95#/115#/135#/155#/165#/175#/185#/195# Fail/195# PR/200#Fail

Thrusters 135#

Thrusters 155#
Thrusters 165#
Thrusters 175#
Thrusters 185#
Thrusters 195# Attempt 1
Thrusters 195# Attempt 2
Thrusters 200# Attempt

MetCon - Not timed
Cashout - DNC

I cleaned all my initial reps, maybe I should have tried them at the rack, oh well I hit 185#!!!
1x185# PR
1x195# Fail

The metcon was tough, 80 reps of BS is just plain ridiculous but if you want GAINZ, don't give up and go for it. Always ensure that you are doing proper technique, if you need to lower the load then do it! Practice good technique and avoid injuries!
I did not record the metcon because I was all over the gym but my time was 31:20. LOVED IT!

I was really disappointed in my cash-out  by this point my legs were blasted. I had no issues pressing the 65# but my legs just weren't working.
Hit 14 reps on both attempts.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WOD 130918 (MUs/KBS)

Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
#WCW #WomanCrushWednesday 
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKcnpJSAsbo

Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet

CrossFit Elite Athlete Profile
Camille LeBlanc-BazinetAge: 23
From: Richelieu, Quebec
CrossFit Gym: CrossFit Brossard
Height: 5 ft 2 inch
Weight: 125 lbs.
With a background in high level gymnastics since she was 3 years old Camille has always been one to push herself to the extreme. After retiring from gymnastics at 16 she tried just about every other sport out there including: half marathons, volleyball, flag football, soccer, skiing, and even rugby. None of these sports provided Camille with the intense challenge she was looking for. That is, until she came across CrossFit.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit video

Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet uses PROGENEX supplements
Not long after starting CrossFit Camille decided to compete in the CrossFit Games Sectionals. She was able to advance to the CrossFit Games where she competed against the 50 fittest women on earth. At her first games experience this relatively unknown girl from a little farm in Quebec, Canada stunned the CrossFit community by placing 9th overall.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet: Supplement Use
With so much invested in my body I have to be very stringent on my nutrition and diet. That is where PROGENEX comes in. I use PROGENEX Recovery after my workouts and have noticed a big difference in my performance. I come back quicker and feel stronger going into my workouts. I need my body to recover and perform at a high level and like any machine, its all about the fuel you put into it.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit Weightlifting Stats
Squat:240 lbs
Clean:180 lbs
Snatch:150 lbs
Deadlift:330 lbs
Camille at CrossFit Games Regionals 2013

Check out The Bella – Rogue Women’s Bar @ RogueFitness.com
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit WOD Best Times
Filthy Fifty: 17:30
Sprint (400m):1:05
Run (5K):23:00
Fight Gone Bad: 405
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit Competition Standings
CrossFit Open 2012Finish Place: 1 Score:22
CrossFit Regionals Finish Place:1 Score:8

WOD 130918

OHS 4x10 at 60% 1RM
**key is unbroken**

5 Rounds of
3 MUs
30 KBS @ 1.5 pood
3 MUs
rest 1 min/round

**ALL out for KBS, no gameplan**

3 Rounds of
:30 sec Ring Support Hold
:30 sec Ring Dips
1:30 rest

Strength OHS 115#
*After looking at my videos, I'm not sure if I should be tracking my knees out that far. I know Steven was trying to give me pointers while I was lifting but I wasn't paying attention. I think I need to sit a little further back and get a better midline to hold the weight up. This is probably why I can't overhead squat more than 185#... I definitely have to do 1,000 perfect OHS at 95# before trying to go heavy. Lesson learned
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4

MetCon 18:35
I didn't miss a MU on any set. first three sets I did three straight. Fourth set I did 2, rested 20 seconds then did 1. Fifth set I did one by one. I didn't want to waste energy because by the end of the second set I realized how gassed my grip and forearms were. I had no problem with the swing or ring dip, it was holding on to the rings for dear life. The KBS I did 15:15 the first two sets, then broke it up 3 sets of 10. I honestly don't think I could've gone any faster just because I know I would have missed a MU. Loving the gainz everyone is doing tho.

Cashout 10/15/12
I forgot that I had a 1:30 sec rest after the ring dips so I stopped with :10 left. I would do AMAP for 6-7 seconds and rest til the next set of 10 seconds. I kipped my ring dips because I did the cashout right after the MetCon. My arms were blown out. Loved it tho.

60% of my 1RM is 105# so I went with that. I started to lost balance after the 7th rep but was able to recover and push out the last 3 reps! This video is of my 4th set as well.


I really had to dig deep for this one. 150 KB swings is a lot and adding in the MUs didn't make it any easier. It's really hard to breathe in Sierra Vista due to the elevation so I was definately huffing and puffing! Dig deep and don't quit!


8 dips - 6 dips - 5 dips
I was gassed at this point!