Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
#WCW #WomanCrushWednesday
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet
CrossFit Elite Athlete Profile
From: Richelieu, Quebec
CrossFit Gym: CrossFit Brossard
Height: 5 ft 2 inch
Weight: 125 lbs.
With a background in high level gymnastics since she was 3 years old Camille has always been one to push herself to the extreme. After retiring from gymnastics at 16 she tried just about every other sport out there including: half marathons, volleyball, flag football, soccer, skiing, and even rugby. None of these sports provided Camille with the intense challenge she was looking for. That is, until she came across CrossFit.
Not long after starting CrossFit Camille decided to compete in the CrossFit Games Sectionals. She was able to advance to the CrossFit Games where she competed against the 50 fittest women on earth. At her first games experience this relatively unknown girl from a little farm in Quebec, Canada stunned the CrossFit community by placing 9th overall.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet: Supplement Use
With so much invested in my body I have to be very stringent on my nutrition and diet. That is where PROGENEX comes in. I use PROGENEX Recovery after my workouts and have noticed a big difference in my performance. I come back quicker and feel stronger going into my workouts. I need my body to recover and perform at a high level and like any machine, its all about the fuel you put into it.
With so much invested in my body I have to be very stringent on my nutrition and diet. That is where PROGENEX comes in. I use PROGENEX Recovery after my workouts and have noticed a big difference in my performance. I come back quicker and feel stronger going into my workouts. I need my body to recover and perform at a high level and like any machine, its all about the fuel you put into it.
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit Weightlifting Stats
Squat:240 lbs
Clean:180 lbs
Snatch:150 lbs
Deadlift:330 lbs
Squat:240 lbs
Clean:180 lbs
Snatch:150 lbs
Deadlift:330 lbs
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit WOD Best Times
Filthy Fifty: 17:30
Sprint (400m):1:05
Run (5K):23:00
Fight Gone Bad: 405
Filthy Fifty: 17:30
Sprint (400m):1:05
Run (5K):23:00
Fight Gone Bad: 405
Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet CrossFit Competition Standings
CrossFit Open 2012Finish Place: 1 Score:22
CrossFit Regionals Finish Place:1 Score:8
CrossFit Open 2012Finish Place: 1 Score:22
CrossFit Regionals Finish Place:1 Score:8
WOD 130918
OHS 4x10 at 60% 1RM
**key is unbroken**
5 Rounds of
3 MUs
30 KBS @ 1.5 pood
3 MUs
rest 1 min/round
**ALL out for KBS, no gameplan**
3 Rounds of
:30 sec Ring Support Hold
:30 sec Ring Dips
1:30 rest
Strength OHS 115#
*After looking at my videos, I'm not sure if I should be tracking my knees out that far. I know Steven was trying to give me pointers while I was lifting but I wasn't paying attention. I think I need to sit a little further back and get a better midline to hold the weight up. This is probably why I can't overhead squat more than 185#... I definitely have to do 1,000 perfect OHS at 95# before trying to go heavy. Lesson learned
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
MetCon 18:35
I didn't miss a MU on any set. first three sets I did three straight. Fourth set I did 2, rested 20 seconds then did 1. Fifth set I did one by one. I didn't want to waste energy because by the end of the second set I realized how gassed my grip and forearms were. I had no problem with the swing or ring dip, it was holding on to the rings for dear life. The KBS I did 15:15 the first two sets, then broke it up 3 sets of 10. I honestly don't think I could've gone any faster just because I know I would have missed a MU. Loving the gainz everyone is doing tho.
Cashout 10/15/12
I forgot that I had a 1:30 sec rest after the ring dips so I stopped with :10 left. I would do AMAP for 6-7 seconds and rest til the next set of 10 seconds. I kipped my ring dips because I did the cashout right after the MetCon. My arms were blown out. Loved it tho.
60% of my 1RM is 105# so I went with that. I started to lost balance after the 7th rep but was able to recover and push out the last 3 reps! This video is of my 4th set as well.
8 dips - 6 dips - 5 dips
I was gassed at this point!
Be careful on the Muscle Ups....