Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WOD 132808

WOD 130828a

30 Second Handstand Holds x10
then 3 Rounds of AMRAP HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups)
**If you can't do HSPUs, then working on the negatives from top position to head of floor works too! Remember, use an Ab Mat**

10 Second L-Sit Holds x5
then 10x3 L-Sit PullUps
** If you can't do L-Sit PullUps, have a static hold on pull up while doing strict toes 2 bar works great!**

Run 400m/Row 500m
25 Burpees
25 Pull-Ups
Run 800m/ Row 100m
25 Burpees
25 Pull-ups
Run 400m/ Row 500m
*You can pick either the row or run. Jumping Pull-ups/Assisted Pull-Ups are great**


WOD 132808b

15 Mins to find Push Press 3RM
6x3 at 80% 3RM

For Time
30 DUs
3 Rounds
20 Wall Balls
20 T2B
20 Burpee Over Box Jumps
30 DUs

Geoff: 16:19

**Here are some videos of the push presses I was able to do with my buddy, Irv. He's about the same stats as me. He has better cardio, and I have the technique. He's an awesome workout partner. Anyways, my push press that we recorded at 185# was actually a push jerk. So I can technically say my 3RM Push Press is only 175#.


Getting better at my DUs but still need to get more efficient because I jump too high.

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