Thursday, December 27, 2012

2nd session thoughts

After reading my cousin's blog, I remembered a quote that I like from one of my favorite books, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho...

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” 

I thought about my life and the people around me that are a part of my everyday routine. I really have grown to love fitness, mental toughness, pushing limits, and taking my fitness into a lifestyle. I am in love of the mindset I'm working towards and I can see my friends and family being affected by it as I try to come of as a positive influence to them. As I feel myself getting stronger or hitting a new PR, I see my brother going to the gym more and I see my friends going to the gym sweating it out just to tell me their results. I also see my relationship with my girlfriend growing more as we share more activities together.

I like the way things are happening in my life. I can think of 100 things that could put me down or make me irritated, but I focus on the 10 things that make me happy and keep me positive and focused. I think it really is the freedom of choice and perspective that makes 'my world' the way it seems. I don't even know if I'm making sense. It truly is a blessing to be able to have the discipline to keep a strong will.

Speaking of strong will, I went to the gym for a second time again tonight to see my buddies Angelo and Steven do my cousin's WOD from 20121224.

Part I: 
5-5-3-5-3-1+ bench press
**Angelo maxed out at 185#
**Steven at 275#

Part II: 
7 min AMRAP
7 decline bench
7 box jumps at 24"
** Steven did 175#, 5 rounds +5bench press
** Angelo did 120#, 5 rounds +6bench press

3 rounds for time
10 cleans @ 100#
5 burpees
**Steven 3:26 - fucker beat my time haha
**Angelo 5:45 - proud of this dude

Skipped Part III: Snatch
** not comfortable doing snatches in a gym full of bro's haha

Part IV:
1600m row
**Steven did 15 T2B and did not do dips
**Angelo did not do row and dips but showed his 3 rep muscle ups


As for myself I practiced all my movements while the guys did their WOD:

Hang Cleans
10/65#, 10/65#, 10/65#
** I wanted to focus on bar placement at the catch. Felt my pinky slip out. Tried a closer grip on 2nd and 3rd set and it looked better, not really felt better.

2 Rounds NOT timed
10 Push Press 65#
10 Box jumps 24"
10 Push Press 65#
10 Box jumps 24"
**Worked on breathing while repping the weight. I feel taking a good short breath and holding it thru the motion then exhaling. I feel that it works the same on the box jumps. As I jump on the box I take a quick breath as I fall down, which gives me the strength to no hesitate and up right up for the next rep. I realized I used to get gassed when I exhale during the movements, so taking in a quick breath to let oxygen in my muscles before my movements helps a lot to no get fatigued so fast.

Power Cleans EMON for 10mins increasing load
3/155#, 3/165#, 3/175#, 1/185#
** just worked on increasing my load during Steven's 1600m row. I originally just wanted to do it for 8 minutes but he didn't finish fast enough so when he came back around 9:30, I just finished the 10th set to show him what I did while waiting haha

26 reps - if I had a better grip I could've done 30. I need to work on my breathing for this exercise... maybe another WOD that has sets of T2B, Kuya?
AMAP Muscle Ups
7 reps - I don't know why I couldn't do more than 7... I guess my chest workout yesterday really hurt haha


Final thought: thank you friends for wanting to level up as much as I do. I'm blessed to have a  few friends that have the same values... I just wished they went to the same gym and time as me haha

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