I was definitely feeling sore on my chest this morning. I can't imagine what I'd feel like without my Progenex haha my legs felt a little cramped only because my dog would lay between my legs, on my legs, or in a place where I can't move around at night. Which reminds me, it's been exactly a year since I got him.
He was such a scared little pitbull when we first got him at 8 weeks old. After a bunch of training and strict discipline (see video below), he's definitely become part of the family and I really truly see him as my own child (that share with my brother haha). I never really figured out why pet owners get so offended or protective with their own until I had Gambit. Now I feel it in the depths of my soul when I see dogs waiting for their dead owners or a dog getting hurt. Anyway, I wanted to just reflect on how happy I am to have Gambit and it's been a year since we got him!
WOD 20121227
Part I:
For Time:
Treadmill - 5min @ 7.0mph, then
7 Dumbbell Push Presses 30# each hand
14 Inverted Row, then
Treadmill - 5min @ 6.8mph, then
11 KB (Kettlebell) Swings 25#
11 T2B (Toe 2 Bar)
8 KBS 25#
8 T2B
5 KBS 25#
5 T2B
I clocked in at 12mins 53sec. In my picture you'lll see I started the clock at 00:20 for the first part of the run because that's when the machine got to 7.0mph, and started the second part of the run at 05:40 because that's when the machine started back up to 6.8mph after resuming the "pause" feature.
Part II:
15 Dive Bombers
AMAP Alternating Bicep Curls w/ 30# Dumbbells (completed 23 each hand)
100 Single Unders
AMAP Supinated Hammer Curls w 30# Dumbbells (12 curls)
15 Diamond Pushups
16 Pistol Squats (8 each leg)
Part III:
1000m row @ recovery pace
finished at 4mins 41sec
Alice's Times
Part I:
Treadmill @ 6.0mph
Dumbbell Push Press with 12# each hand
Resistance Bands Standing High Row (inverted row substitute)
Treadmill @ 5.8mph
KBS 10#
Leg Raise to Butt-Ups (T2B substitute)
completed at 15mins 34 sec.
Part II:
15 Knee Push Ups
15 Bicep Curls 12# each hand
50 Single Unders
15 Hammer Curls 12# each hand
50 Single Unders
15 Knee Push Ups
32 Air Squats
Part III:
1000m row
finished at 5mins 13sec
Part I - I wasn't too sore from the 20min run and WOD from last night, so the run felt nice and easy for this one. My cousin would be proud to know I didn't stop at the run like I would do at the days of pre-Tough Mudder training at 4am haha. The KBS and T2B went unbroken and felt real good for this one.
Part II - I only got the 30# because there were dudes using the 25#, 35#, 45#, 55# AND 65# for their workout... and yes they need them ALL at the SAME TIME... I'll let them be as they moan in front of mirror. I def gassed myself out on the curls for the first one thinking "yo, I got this" and then only pumped out 12 for the supinated hammers. To be honest, I haven't done curls in months so it was funny to see how many I could do for this WOD (Thanks Kuya! haha)
Part III: Alice wanted to do a back workout to work her back out... she has a dress she wants to look right in that exposes the back haha it was a nice cool down to do together.
- Overall, I was happy to see Alice doing the WOD with me. I got to take pics of HER this time! We couldn't use the Smith machine for her inverted rows because some guy needed to do 50# shrugs for 5 sets. He didn't even bother asking if we were using it, he just set the weights on the bar and ignored my girlfriend. So we adjusted and used the resistance bands to get the inverted rows in a different motion. That ate about 25-30 seconds of her time. Obviously Alice hasn't practice T2B so we substituted for the leg raises to butt-ups for a change. My boy Angelo wants to workout tonight so we'll see if to do my cousin's 20121226 workout.
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