Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 30: Reflection | Congrats Everyone!

Day 30

WOD 130430
rest 10 minutes

rest 10 minutes

For Time
Row 2000 meters

**Make sure you watch the videos! Assisted pull ups and jumping pull ups are acceptable. Man makers are tough, so a recommended weight for girls is 10-15 lbs and guys 25-35 lbs. Watch the videos. Watch the videos. Watch the videos!**


  • Congrats! Why aren't you asking, "What's up with Day 31?"



I can't say that these 30 days didn't go by fast. Most days than others, I guess. I'm just so blessed to have the opportunity to do this. I'm happy my brother got through the 30 days unbroken and in-compromised. You'll see on tomorrow's blog just how proud of him I am. For this blog I do want to talk about the main things I feel could've been better, what was a problem, and moments we all felt that could help us out the next 30 days. This is just going to be short and sweet. Straight to the point.

  • The info was all on here
    • If your goal is to lose 'x' amount of pounds, the blog on calculating how many calories you need to have each day to reach your goal is there. The WODs are always posted on every blog. The videos on movement tutorials were on there. The Do's and Don'ts of what to eat for Paleo is on the blog. Different meals to cook were on there.
  • 30 days is enough...
    • 30 days is enough to prove to yourself if you have what it takes or not. If you can't set habits within 30 days or change certain behaviors, this isn't for you. You can be comfortable with feeling the way you are now. It takes small changes towards day by day to get to where you want to be. 
  • You have to put in the work.
    • There is no shortcut. Sure, you can get lipo on your hips and thighs, but the mindset you have wasn't lipo'd. You'll still have the cravings and weak will power to succumb to sweets and junk food. You'll gain the weight you got sucked out of you and some.
  • Mental toughness
    • I stressed the power of your mind on Day 1. I wanted you to realize just how powerful your mindset and perception of your reality can change your entire world. You have to talk yourself out of old habits to NO buy a Big Mac if you're desperate. You have to tell yourself you can cook this meal. You have to make yourself get up to finish that one last round of the workout. Whatever you tell your mind, your body will follow. Come on.. it's only 30 days, just wait. Seriously haha
  • You can't do it alone.
    • I don't know everything. You don't know everything. So why say that "you did it yourself" and give no one credit? At the end of the day, yes, it is on YOU whether or not you made the gains today, but the people you surround yourself with, the information you get from somewhere else, and the ones who are in there putting work just as hard as you all count as your environment.
  • You will hate spinach.
    • Everyone's going to tell you how tough Paleo can be. It is a serious change in diet especially with how Americans eat. It really is okay to slip up the first week, but if you're really committed, then huge props to you for sticking with it. Replacing your starches with greens is probably the hardest thing.
  • Life happens.
    • Yes, life happens. You won't be perfect 100%, but if your effort is always at 110% then you'll find ways to either make it up or avoid the situation that'll put you in a position to slightly break your diet. Out of town friends, vacations, holidays, parties, they're all reasons to break diet, but you can minimize your 'cheat days' by using the knowledge on this blog.
  • Be proud of your achievements
    • If it's one more rep than your last workout, or 5 more pounds over your PR, then you should be proud you got there. You don't just magically gain all 10 aspects of fitness overnight. You put in the work. You get the results.
  • You take your clothes off more often
    • The more we sweat at the CrossFit gym, the more likely we are at taking our shirts off. It's just a habit you pick up when you hop on Project Sexy Summer haha
Reflecting on this whole experience, I'm just so proud of everyone that's committed to trying to be fit, because at the end of this you are all athletes, you are all fit, and you should all be proud of yourselves. I hope to continue this journey with the CrossFit box owner George, my brother, Dek, and all our friends that have helped us along the way. Here are pics of the ProSexSum photoshoot we had. Thanks for everything guys!

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